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Placing a way point when the x, y, z isn't available

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 Princess Artemis
07-20-2006, 1:03 PM
Specifically, I'm trying to put a new waypoint or some place for a charcter to walk in 205TEL, which is the TSL cut-scene with Carth and Bastila toward the end of the game.

Problem is, when I go in there without triggering the scene, not only is the place a completely empty set, there's no x, y, z for any of it! Does anyone know how to get coords for that module, or how I could sneak in a waypoint or *something* so I can get a character to move to a different spot than Bastla's waypoint?
07-20-2006, 3:56 PM
Problem is, when I go in there without triggering the scene, not only is the place a completely empty set, there's no x, y, z for any of it!

Hmm, what do you mean there are no coordinates for it? :confused: All areas have coordinates, since they are used to define where things exist in the worldspace. In this particular module the coordinates for the cutscene room have negative value coordinates.

Does anyone know how to get coords for that module, or how I could sneak in a waypoint or *something* so I can get a character to move to a different spot than Bastla's waypoint?

If you know roughly where in relation to the current positions you want your waypoint you can check the coordinates for those Waypoints in the GIT file. Then add your own waypoint at coordinates near those.
 Princess Artemis
07-20-2006, 4:17 PM
Ah, I meant, when I put in a dummy trigger for the end scene with Carth so I could explore, then warped there, I could walk around, but the whole place was empty. There were no placeables, no decorations, it was just the walls and nothing else. So I couldn't use the Whereami band to get coords; there were no coords. And I couldn't get in to explore without triggering the scene without the dummy trigger, or at least, I haven't found a way to do it yet.

If you know roughly where in relation to the current positions you want your waypoint you can check the coordinates for those Waypoints in the GIT file. Then add your own waypoint at coordinates near those.

OK, I'll look into that, thanks!
07-20-2006, 5:42 PM
That's weird. I just tested the armband in that area and it works perfectly (205TEL) :confused: I get the xyz coordinates without any problems. I have placeables and decorations too.

I don't know what you did but if you repacked the files into a .mod file maybe you stripped down the .are file a little too much but you say you only used a fake trigger :confused:

Screenshot taken after the scene (I removed the last script that warps to another area) to be able to explore. Everything is normal:
 Princess Artemis
07-20-2006, 6:53 PM
It was weird. There's one trigger there, newgeneric001.utt, and I guess it's right where the player enters. I cleared out ScriptOnEnter so it wouldn't fire the script which only started the convo carthend.dlg, dropped it in Override, warped right over, and the place was a ghost town. There were a couple people there, like Grenn, but the rest, nothing. Absolutely empty. I don't really have a lot of mods on K2, and so far the only one I have that directly affects the scene is a dialogue I'm working on and different clothes for Bastila and Carth, but even if I did I don't think it would explain an undressed set just because a dialogue didn't trigger! Especially since those mods only affect anything if the scene plays.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement when I walked in and saw nothing but an empty set and that your Whereami band didn't return an x, y, z.

I'll try pulling the warp script from the dialogue--I didn't even think of that, and since everything is there when the scene triggers normally, I can't imagine not being able to pull coords for it.

Maybe my game's just being buggy :/
07-20-2006, 8:01 PM
It was weird. There's one trigger there, newgeneric001.utt, and I guess it's right where the player enters. I cleared out ScriptOnEnter so it wouldn't fire the script which only started the convo carthend.dlg, dropped it in Override, warped right over, and the place was a ghost town.

Do you have a tel204.git file in your override folder? It might cause similar problems if you do (though it shouldn't interfere with scripts attempting to get area coordinates).

Might also be a bug that the game doesn't like triggers without any scripts assigned, but I haven't noticed anything like that before.

If you put a modified newgeneric001.utt file in your override folder, don't forget to remove it when you are done testing or your game will be totally messed up. That template name is used in pretty much every module in the game, and the override copy will override them all. :)
 Princess Artemis
07-20-2006, 8:47 PM
No, no .git files in Override.

I suppose it could be the game throwing a fit, since the only reason 205TEL exists is to run that scene. I tried again by pulling the warp script off the dialogue and the Wereami band recorded coordinates for me just fine :D

But yeah, I pulled the dummy trigger out again after testing it. "Newgeneric" doesn't strike me as the most unique name in the world ;)
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