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The Age Thread: Because I'm Curious!

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07-22-2006, 1:20 AM
And Darth is right! She gets 50 points, and a pizza party! Yes, my friends, another BS reference. I'm almost twelve. In a couple of months, at least. Haha! Is it surprising? Is it something that makes you, um, go WTF? Probably not. Yeah... Nov 25th 94. That's me!
07-22-2006, 2:43 AM
MUAHAHAHAHAHA! No-one cares if I don't say how old I am. WOOT! Which is why I'm crazy enough to put a riddle up, here we go. And if you can guess, then, uh, do so.

Three and ten don't make my age
My digits are however much the same
In number of them, not the sum
I have however number one
This riddle won't tell all you see
But I'm not eighteen or twenty three
I have no numbers with letters four
My dog is older than me
In dog years of course
So see if you can guess my age
If you can you're not a... uh....
You're not a platypus.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! NOW I'M BEING MEAN! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, and one more thing. I'm younger than twenty. See how far you get. Within about four posts more might be revealed.
I know an even BETTER riddle.
07-22-2006, 2:59 AM
Well, that has me stumped. And my teacher in year three taught us how to figure out riddles easily... I feel dumb.
 Zetz Darke
07-22-2006, 1:00 PM
I'm slightly creeped out by this...and I really don't want to know where his badge is.
 Mashi An'krekku
07-22-2006, 2:10 PM
Me neither. *shudder*
07-22-2006, 2:12 PM
I'm game, someone PM me the answer.
07-22-2006, 2:26 PM
I'm gonna guess the badge is behind his ear.
07-22-2006, 3:49 PM
Did he hide it in his bum?
07-22-2006, 6:00 PM
Let's just leave that now. Otherwise we might end up forever maimed by the answer... If you agree with me, say I!
07-23-2006, 12:42 AM
I'd like to point out that my age is 29, but my brain age is more like 110, so that means I'm a lot better than all of you.

Also in all other ages I'm pretty maxed out as well, including emotional age and financial age. I think I'm a lvl. 40 on health age, but I'd have to double check my stats again. I'll report back after I invent cancer again.
07-23-2006, 1:01 AM
I'd like to point out that my age is 29, but my brain age is more like 110, so that means I'm a lot better than all of you.

Also in all other ages I'm pretty maxed out as well, including emotional age and financial age. I think I'm a lvl. 40 on health age, but I'd have to double check my stats again. I'll report back after I invent cancer again.
Uh... actually, the higher your brain age is the worse it is. It's not saying you have the wisdsom of a 110 year old, it's saying you're working with the rusty old brain of a 110 year old.

07-23-2006, 1:02 AM
I'M Thirteen turning 14 in Oct. Hmmmmm............................................ .....
 Zetz Darke
07-23-2006, 8:16 AM
Uh... actually, the higher your brain age is the worse it is. It's not saying you have the wisdsom of a 110 year old, it's saying you're working with the rusty old brain of a 110 year old.


Smon's got a point...
07-23-2006, 3:35 PM
Haha! I don't even have a DS. So I have to make do with those weird exam thing they do to find out how smart you are.

I'm 142 points, which is something like 15 years old.
07-23-2006, 4:13 PM
You mean an IQ test? IT IS NOT THE SAME THING.

Your IQ tests how much you know, and should know. While your Brain Age tells you how fast and responsive your mind is.

Think of it like... your IQ test is a test of your brain's muscles, while a Brain Age test is a test of it's reflexes.
07-23-2006, 4:44 PM
And Psychonauts is a test of the minds sanity. If your mind is remenesient to any of the asylum inmates minds, YOU'RE NOT SANE!!
07-23-2006, 4:49 PM
You mean an IQ test? IT IS NOT THE SAME THING.

Your IQ tests how much you know, and should know. While your Brain Age tells you how fast and responsive your mind is.

Think of it like... your IQ test is a test of your brain's muscles, while a Brain Age test is a test of it's reflexes.

The brain's muscles in this case would be known as crystallized intelligence, it's basically knowledge and wisdom and things of that ilk. This does not decrease as you advance in years. However, fluid intelligence is your response time for recalling information. This intelligence declines with age.
07-23-2006, 4:53 PM
Oh sure, use an excuse that makes sense...
07-23-2006, 11:47 PM
Hey I don't know why you guys are trying to debate what I said. My brain age is 110, so that makes me tremendously smart and better than everyone. So any kind of questioning or bickering against what I have said is wrong. End of story, thanks baby.
07-23-2006, 11:52 PM
Hey I don't know why you guys are trying to debate what I said. My brain age is 110, so that makes me tremendously smart and better than everyone. So any kind of questioning or bickering against what I have said is wrong. End of story, thanks baby.
No, high brain age=bad.

See? (
07-24-2006, 12:19 AM
Hey I don't know why you guys are trying to debate what I said. My brain age is 110, so that makes me tremendously smart and better than everyone. So any kind of questioning or bickering against what I have said is wrong. End of story, thanks baby.

And now he's unable to read. He must be reeaaally old.
07-24-2006, 12:33 AM
I agree. Even without using something like Brain whachamajigga I know that that's bad. Even my grand mother can read!!! Infact, that's ALL she ever does.
07-24-2006, 12:40 AM
07-24-2006, 2:48 AM
Exactly. I hereby pronounce my grandmother to be smarter than syntheticgerbil. Case closed.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
07-24-2006, 2:53 AM
I know an even BETTER riddle.
Quantum theory tells us that particles can exist in multiple locations at the same time (everything posesses the properties of both a wave and a particle). Thus the badge is both everywhere and nowhere. I win.
07-24-2006, 2:58 AM
I like that approach. Good idea.
07-24-2006, 12:22 PM
Quantum theory tells us that particles can exist in multiple locations at the same time (everything posesses the properties of both a wave and a particle). Thus the badge is both everywhere and nowhere. I win.


That may be true, but that's not what the riddle says.

That's because the riddle doesn't say where the badge is.

The first part tells him that he needs to be paying attention to the moon clock to understand the riddle.

The second part is describing who the riddle concerns, the riddler himself and the cop.

And the third part says that if the cop is peaceful the riddler will be ver thankful.

So baisically the riddler took the badge to get the cops attention, and told a him a riddle that if he thoguht about it, the riddler could escape, or that would convince the cop to let him go.

07-24-2006, 12:48 PM
I don't think you guys respect your elders' brain age properly. I will no longer listen to these lies that stem from your jealousy over my brain age.

Excuse me now, I have to go levitate this afternoon and then I am going to shift moon tides in the evening with my expansive brain. Thank you.
07-24-2006, 1:41 PM
We are fools! We had the chance to listen to Sean and change our ways, but we kept on undermining his superiority! Now we are all doomed as his extensive cranium wreaks havoc on the unexpecting world!
07-24-2006, 2:18 PM
Repent,Repent! (LOL)
07-24-2006, 3:06 PM
I don't think you guys respect your elders' brain age properly. I will no longer listen to these lies that stem from your jealousy over my brain age.

Excuse me now, I have to go levitate this afternoon and then I am going to shift moon tides in the evening with my expansive brain. Thank you.

If your going to reply to something we stopped talking about, please quote us making fun of you instead of just saying something after we had stated a finishing statement of your crusty old brain in relation to Pyro's Grandma.
07-25-2006, 12:09 AM
I wanna get in on this ageism. I really wanna play brain age to find out how old my brain is. I bet it's ancient. Or awesome. Like the game will just come right out and say "Your brain RAWKS!!" But most likely it'd be like "You suck."

Also I love the expressions of the characters in the comic. Especially the clown when he's getting hit in the stomach.
07-25-2006, 12:55 AM
Ahh yes. The joyous event of the stomache elbow. We all love it. But not as much as the spinning backfist, or other assorted kickboxing moves. Yes, my friends/enemies/aquaintances. I know kickboxing. Beware. Hehe.
07-26-2006, 11:29 AM
I'm 13
07-26-2006, 11:51 AM
I wanna get in on this ageism. I really wanna play brain age to find out how old my brain is. I bet it's ancient. Or awesome. Like the game will just come right out and say "Your brain RAWKS!!" But most likely it'd be like "You suck."

Also I love the expressions of the characters in the comic. Especially the clown when he's getting hit in the stomach.

Well if you like that, it's only a filler comic for this comic. (
07-29-2006, 12:27 AM
 St. Jimmy
07-29-2006, 6:54 AM
Great, Just great! now I'm going to have to commit suicide unless someone tells me the REAL answer to the riddle...
07-29-2006, 7:54 PM
i know! tell, spill it!
07-29-2006, 8:16 PM

That may be true, but that's not what the riddle says.

That's because the riddle doesn't say where the badge is.

The first part tells him that he needs to be paying attention to the moon clock to understand the riddle.

The second part is describing who the riddle concerns, the riddler himself and the cop.

And the third part says that if the cop is peaceful the riddler will be ver thankful.

So baisically the riddler took the badge to get the cops attention, and told a him a riddle that if he thought about it, the riddler could escape, or that would convince the cop to let him go.


07-29-2006, 11:04 PM
all i see is a white thingy.
 St. Jimmy
07-30-2006, 12:30 AM
Um highlight the text that's in it halo92 um @ Gruducruuz I did read the other page but that "answer" (and I use the term lightly XD) doesn't make much sense to me... Maybe I'm just stupid...
07-30-2006, 1:22 AM
Um highlight the text that's in it halo92 um @ Gruducruuz I did read the other page but that "answer" (and I use the term lightly XD) doesn't make much sense to me... Maybe I'm just stupid...
The badge is in his pocket or hat or something.
 St. Jimmy
07-30-2006, 2:24 AM
It's amazing how simple you make me look Smon.
*go's and cries*
08-02-2006, 1:19 AM
its in a pile of crap
 Mashi An'krekku
08-02-2006, 1:21 AM
It's in YOUR MOM!
08-02-2006, 1:34 AM
It's in your abdomen, and it's not a tumor, because it's a partially formed foetus.
 St. Jimmy
08-02-2006, 1:38 AM
You guys are so wrong.
08-02-2006, 1:57 AM
what is the answer then?
tell me the freaking answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Mashi An'krekku
08-02-2006, 2:00 AM
08-02-2006, 2:08 PM
I checked out the other comics at that page there. Good stuff. I likes it.
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