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Custom Saber for TSL?

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07-13-2006, 12:29 AM
Yeah, as you can probably see by my post count, im extremely new to these forums/kotor modding...
Anyway, i just wanted to ask, is there any tutorials for making custom sabers in TSL, the only ones i can find are for Kotor 1 i think, since there are some models and stuff i cant find....
Any help would be appreciated.
07-13-2006, 8:36 AM
Not sure what you looking for but making/editing items is the same for both games. Also have a look on General Tutorials + Tools (
Welcome on LF
07-13-2006, 9:42 AM
The reason i was asking was because when i tryed to make a lightsaber, the templates.bif file had the lightsabers, but not the crystals... this could be a problem with my copy?
07-13-2006, 12:28 PM
The reason i was asking was because when i tryed to make a lightsaber, the templates.bif file had the lightsabers, but not the crystals... this could be a problem with my copy?

No, the crystals just have different names in K2 as opposed to K1.




and for the Fullname Crystal


07-14-2006, 11:34 PM
Ah i see, i did notice them, but i assumed they were for just power crystals, i didnt really pay attention and didnt notice the 'colo' ones lol
Cheers for that...
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