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[FIC] Elliot's Story

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09-08-2006, 6:50 AM
Aww, i seen you were the last post and i was like. YES, NEW CHAPTER!!!! :D:D:D, but .. :(:(:( no ... Oh well ... yes, i know all too well about writers block, bloody hate it. Anyway .. do hope the next chapter is posted soon :D
10-07-2006, 2:02 AM
Holy moly, it's been a month since I last updated!!

I mean, wow. I took a really, really long break, as school was--still is, really--taking up a LOT of time. This chapter is pretty long, but it doesn't really move the plot forward. It's kind of a filler chapter :( Sowwy...but, I really am running low on ideas, but I've got one that's pretty good, but its going to take a while for me to set it up. So, just bear with me :)

Elliot stared at her with a look of disbelief. Despite the tension, he chuckled. “I thought I said no bull. I can’t be a vampyre. Such things don’t exist.
He laughed again. “You almost had me going there.”
Emma looked at her hands. She didn’t say anything, only shook her head. Then, she got up, walked to a mini-fridge that she had near the bed, and pulled something out. She sat back down in her seat, and carefully concealed what she had pulled out.
“What did you get?” Elliot asked.
“This,” she said, and she pulled it out.
To the normal eye, it would have looked like a simple packet of blood, something that any soon-to-be doctor would have laying around, but for Elliot it was something totally different. It was the Holy Grail, the cure for all of the galaxy’s diseases; it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
Instinct overtook his body and he, despite the huge pain shooting through his body, he desperately tried to reach for it.
He would have given anything, anything, to feel the salt of the blood on his lips.
Emma took the bag of blood away from Elliot’s eyes. Elliot’s hunger seemed to cease immediately. “See,” Emma said.
Elliot closed his eyes. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Oh, well,” he said after a minute or so, and shrugged.
Emma looked at him, somewhat shocked. “That’s all you have to say?! ‘Oh, well’?!”
Elliot looked at her quizzically. “Well, yeah. What should I do?”
“I don’t know,” she said sarcastically, “maybe, PANIC!”
“Why would I do that?”
“What do you mean, ‘Why would I do that’?! You just found out that you’re entire life is probably going to be turned upside down. You can’t be outside in the sun, you have to drink blood, I mean…you’re a completely different person.”
Elliot got up from the bed and stretched, yawning. “What’s your point?”
Emma continued to look at him with shocked eyes. She expected tears, anger, anything! But, not total indifference. “You’re a vampy—”
“Let me stop you right there. I am a vampyre, or at least everything points to that. But, assuming I am a vampyre, then there’s nothing I can do to change that. So, I can either sit here and cry my eyes out about it, or I can simply accept it. I choose to accept it. Crying and being upset has never once gotten me anywhere. Now, may I please have that blood, as I’m awfully thirsty.”
Still looking at with a somewhat shocked emotion, she handed over the bag of blood.
He took it, this time seeming to have a little more control over his body. He took a deep breath and ripped open the package of blood.
He sighed and lifted the bag slowly to his mouth.
Emma watched a drop grow pregnant on the rim of the bag, then fall down onto Elliot’s open mouth. Elliot closed his mouth, and swallowed. He closed his eyes, and let the taste sink in for a few seconds.
Then, he opened his mouth, and hungrily pored some more in his mouth. After getting a substantial mouthful, he swished it around in his mouth, and then swallowed.
He set the bag down, and took a deep breath. Then he rushed into the restroom and threw up.

Over the next few days, Elliot would drink a little blood with each meal. It still made him nauseous, but after each gulp he felt more alive than anything. He could almost identify the person whose blood he was drinking from. He knew that blood had the most midichlorian count that anything, so he assumed it was because he was getting more Force potential than he was born with, and also that, with vampyrism came great power. He could feel his teeth sharpening. He could feel his body growing stronger.
He had decided to research the topic a little more, and so he decided to go to the library. Whenever he decided to venture outside, he had to completely cover his entire body in clothes. He still got sunburned if he remained in the sunlight, even though his body was entirely covered in clothes, for too long.
At the library, he was looking for texts on vampyres. Most were fake (one said, Vampyres need over a gallon of blood a day to survive!) or were kids books (Vincent Vampyre stalked the scoundrels).
But, Elliot found a discovery. There was an extremely old looking datapad, and he turned it on. It explained that only about a pint of blood was needed every week to sustain him, and that some animal blood was okay to use.
There was such a thing as half-vampyres, in which the specimen was only blooded a little—Elliot assumed he was a full vampyre.
Although it provided some answers, Elliot didn’t know everything. He sighed and leaned back in his chair, closing his exhausted eyes.
He knew where he had to go.
He knew that there was only on place in which there was infinite knowledge.
The Jedi Archives.

Emma had already started to make dinner when Elliot got home. Elliot’s nose picked up the scent from behind the door. He walked in, and took a giant sniff. “What’s cooking?” he asked.
“It’s a surprise,” Emma said.
Elliot never liked surprises, and they seemed to be getting less and less “surprising” and more and more “Oh my goodness, my life is right down the drain.”
Elliot decided to take a shower, and when he emerged into the kitchen thirty or so minutes later, he saw that dinner was ready.
He squinted his eyes, before he recognized what it was: a pork roast. He raised an eyebrow. “Is that pork?” he asked.
“Yes, want some?” she replied.
“No, I don’t eat pork.”
“Why? Religion?”
“No, I just don’t dig on swine that’s all.”
“Why not?”
“Pigs are filthy animals. I don’t eat filthy animals.”
“Yeah, but pork chops taste good, bacon tastes good…”
“Well, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I’d never know ‘cause I wouldn’t eat the filthy thing.”
Emma chuckled. “Point taken. Dig some leftovers from the fridge.”
“Haven’t you ever wondered about my past? I mean, if I ever found someone on the bottom level of Coruscant, about my age, I’d ask where the hell they lived, why they got there, but, most importantly, how they became a vampyre!”
“Hmmm,” Emma said thoughtfully, “I just always thought that you were on your own, and that when the time came, if there was anything to tell, you’d say it.”
“Well, do you want to hear it now?”
“Sure,” she said smiling.
“Okay,” Elliot said, sighing. He ran his fingers threw his hair. “I suppose this starts at the very beginning, since before I can remember.
“As a child, when I was about four, I was abducted. I was taken forcefully from my home, and I can’t remember what my mother was like.” Emma’s eyebrows flew upward, and were lost in her bangs, but she remained quiet.
“You see, I was—am? I don’t know—a Jedi.”
Emma eyes opened wide. Her mouth hung open. She had never, in all her sixteen years of existence, thought she’d ever meet a real Jedi. But, Emma came back to her senses. He was bluffing. “Prove it. Do something that only a Jedi could do. Where’s your lightsaber? I searched you when I found you on the ground. You had nothing but some measly credits.”
“I destroyed my lightsaber. Easier to remain inconspicuous without it. As for doing something only a Jedi could?” He thought about it carefully. “I can’t read your mind per se, but I can, more or less, grasp what you’re thinking at times. But, anyone can do that right now, judging from the look in your face.” He sighed loudly.
“Fine, I can settle for a ‘cheap trick.’” He concentrated, and picked up a piece of bread on Emma’s plate. He made it do circles around her head, before having it fly at him. He caught it, and ate it.

After Emma recovered, Elliot told her about his life on Tatooine, what it was like speeder racing, and how he assumed he ended up being a vampyre.
Once he finished his tale, Elliot looked at Emma. She appeared to have taken the story relatively well, considering that fact that Elliot was technically a wanted criminal, waiting to be executed.
“Why…why are you here? I mean, this is the Emperor’s home planet. You’ve fallen for his trap, hook, line, and sinker, yet you knew about that trap, so…I don’t know what’s wrong with you,” she said.
“Well, I figured he wouldn’t expect anyone to come here. ‘The hardest ones to see are the ones right under your nose.’ That was a favorite saying of my old Master. Plus, I need access to the Jedi Archives.”
She shook her head. “The Jedi Temple was ransacked. Everything was destroyed, and the only things left were looted. The place is under security. I doubt that you could even get inside, and even if you did, you probably wouldn’t find anything there.”
Elliot laughed. “The Jedi Temple may have been torn up, but not the Archives. No one, and I mean no one, could ever get into the Archives unless they were a Master. Many have tried, not one has ever succeeded.
“As for the security, that’s easy. They don’t expect a Jedi, nor do they suspect anyone, for that matter, to get in. So, while the outside security may be great, the inside will likely be sub par, probably non-existent. I bet you I can get in.” He smiled.
Despite herself, Emma smiled as well. “Hey, don’t take my word for it, go right ahead. Why don’t you do it tonight?”
“I think I will. I’ll make you a bet. I can get in tonight, and be out by dawn, without anyone seeing me.”
“Well, how will I know that you actually got in without anyone seeing you? Or even getting in?”
“I’ll come back with a datapad that could only come from the Archives.”
Emma’s smile widened. “Alright, I’ll take that bet. How much?”
“Oh, no. This bet is too daring to be on money. If I get in, you have to give me a kiss!”
Emma chuckled. “Alright, a kiss it is.”
Elliot rubbed his hands together. “Excellent! I’m going to take a nap, wake me at like 9:30, please.”
Elliot flung himself on his bed. He giggled. In less than twelve hours he was going to break into the Jedi Archives and even get a kiss. Life sure was swell for him. But, life was going to get much, much worse for him.
 Diego Varen
10-07-2006, 5:14 AM
About time too. I'm looking foward to the next Chapter too. Good Chapter all the same.
10-08-2006, 4:21 PM
:):) good chap JK
10-09-2006, 12:47 PM
terrifically disgusting :D
j/k it was very good. there were the occasional grammar errors, but i'll leave those to the troll :p
10-14-2006, 11:50 PM
Well, you see, the problem with the grammar thing is this: my computer, I noticed recently, is acting up pretty bad. No matter what I type, it doesn't catch any spelling or grammar errors. So, sorry for that. I think my brother put some virus in it, because recently, when I try to open MWord, it says that theres some sort of error, and nothing happens.
 Diego Varen
10-15-2006, 8:52 AM
Well, you see, the problem with the grammar thing is this: my computer, I noticed recently, is acting up pretty bad. No matter what I type, it doesn't catch any spelling or grammar errors. So, sorry for that. I think my brother put some virus in it, because recently, when I try to open MWord, it says that theres some sort of error, and nothing happens.

Sometimes my Word doesn't catch any errors either. It could be a glitch. I hope it sorts itself out J_K_707.
10-15-2006, 4:08 PM
Well, it seems to be catching the mistakes, but it doesn't put the red thingy underneath. *sigh* damn computer...
11-30-2006, 7:43 PM
I know that you guys may have thought that I gave up on this story, but fear not, I have not (is that proper English?).
But a few things have been holding me back: a) Writer's Block. HUGE BLOCK! b) Time. I have next to none. I've been on the computer for like 2 hours combined in the past 3-4 weeks. c) I have no energy! Freshman year = sucky. Homework + soccer + arguements with my mother = no time.
So, I've been working on it little by little, and the new chapter shall be posted... somewhat soon. I don't want to set myself a deadline, 'cause what if it passes!
Just to reassure you, I have not forgotten about this story, just have no ideas.

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