Hi guys.. im kinda new here.. anyway when i start jedi academy demo,i downlaoded from filefront. when i start jedi academy demo everything is fine no lag or something else.... but now when i start mission chandrila(orsmth) or tatooine mission it lags like damn hell....(sorry my english REALLLY sucks) anyway heres my comp something xD:
2,53 ghz
512 system ram
nviadia geforce 6200(turbocache)
256 video ram
directx 9.0c
.... anyway i had older computer that had 128 system ram 700mhz 128 video ram(i think) maybe 64,and it ran fine... now it lags pretty nice:( anyway if someone can help me then please do... actually i downloaded jedi academy for a test like... i want to buy battlefront 2 but just wanted to check if it works fine but NO... i have battlefield 2 and it runs fine too... sometimes lil lag attack but nothing big... so anyway if someone can help then please do.... regards MeetUrNoob :)