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custom planets

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06-21-2006, 9:30 AM
i know that it is possible to travel to new planets and to make them appear on the star map... can a near-novice add scenery and buildings to the planets so that you can walk and actually interact with the enviroment.... its another part of my master plan
06-21-2006, 10:00 AM
Travel to other planets: yes it's possible
Kotor 1:
Kotor 2:

(those threads were in the sticky tutorials at the top of the forums)

Adding new buildings and scenery: for now you can't do this. You can only add new placeables, npcs, doors, etc and reskin an existing area.
06-21-2006, 12:21 PM
Adding new buildings and scenery: for now you can't do this. You can only add new placeables, npcs, doors, etc and reskin an existing area.

Can I half agree with you here Darth333? There was this one thread awhile back where one of our newer members blawk was showing off. Now there were still limitations and he hadn't gotten it 100% down but it was a start.

Let me see if I can find it. Ahh here it is ->

Hey you were even following this one. :D

But seriously this is why I say 1/2 agree nothing more. ;)
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