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Kotor Tool custom items

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 Lit Ridl
06-16-2006, 3:11 PM
It may sound stupid but I want to know how to add in Kotor Tool items, creatures and *.2da updates that I have created on my own. I tried to copy all of them to Global Templates (for KI and KII), but it didn't work. Help please.
06-16-2006, 3:35 PM
Put them in your override folder. In one of the menus, there is an option to include the files that are in the Override folder: make sure to check it.

For .2da files, you can store them wherever you want: just load KT's .2da editor and browse to the file you wish to open.
 Lit Ridl
06-17-2006, 1:40 AM
I mean that I don't see my own rows in spells.2da and appearane.2da in Kotor Tool's creature editor, etc. It mean that I have use k-gff every time to add something created on my own. Where is that option. I have turned on 2da option but I can't find gff options.
06-17-2006, 7:50 AM
No, but you have to load your custom .2da file with KT:
Tools>open.2da editor>File>Open 2da v2.b file

and the .2da format is not the same as the gff format so you can't open .2da files with kgff.
 Lit Ridl
06-17-2006, 9:15 AM
Is my English so bad??? I mean to make my own .uti and .utc files available in KT's creature/placeable editors. I know how to deal with .2da files (opening, changing, saving) and know how to edit items, creatures and placeables, but I don't know how to make my own .uti file to be available in KT's placeable and character editor's inventory.
06-17-2006, 10:06 AM
Look in the KT file menu. File>open GFF files (your files have to be in the override directory).

Hope this is what you are looking for :)
 Lit Ridl
06-17-2006, 10:54 AM
If to be true it is not what I was tring to find... Example of what I want: I have myownitem.uti in my Override directory. I want to add it in placeable with name maintoff.utp. I open its inventory, choose Custom and see nothing! On some screenshots I saw items in Custom! I want to see there myownitem. I hope now I am right?:greedo:
 Lit Ridl
06-17-2006, 10:56 AM
Oh, I have forgot to ask one thing. Is it legal to change icons for Stoffe TSL patcher? And is it Ok that I use it for KI?
06-17-2006, 1:50 PM
If to be true it is not what I was tring to find... Example of what I want: I have myownitem.uti in my Override directory. I want to add it in placeable with name maintoff.utp. I open its inventory, choose Custom and see nothing! On some screenshots I saw items in Custom! I want to see there myownitem. I hope now I am right?:greedo:

I see what you mean!

I don't know how to add items there.

I've always just added a regular item (g_w_lghtsbr01.uti) and then changed the tag to a custom one. (myownitem.uti) This will not change the name from Lightsaber, but it will place your item into the inventory.

Even if this isn't exactly what you wanted, I hope it helps!

06-17-2006, 7:40 PM
Under options like the last tab of KT is include 2da's in override check that click ok then close KT then open KT then with your 2da's in the games override it will show your custom rows in the uti's and utc's

As to the uti's in utp's not sure I just gff edit the utp and place them manually
 Lit Ridl
06-18-2006, 3:09 AM
Thank you all, guys! (Now I will not try to find out these option)
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