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 Dagobahn Eagle
10-07-2001, 12:09 AM
Okay, I'll make this short: Where are they? I've read several places that there are submarines in GB, and there is even a technology you can research that allows you to see them, but where are they? Can any of the Destroyers/Frigates/Cruisers submerge, or are the submarines just not in the demo?

Also, can the Gungan Utility Trawler build any other buildings than houses underwater (underwater anti-air turrets would be nice :D :evil3: -just think about it, the enemy air force flies over the place, only to be fired upon by invisible turrets :D)?
10-07-2001, 12:31 AM
Also, can the Gungan Utility Trawler build any other buildings than houses underwater (underwater anti-air turrets would be nice :D :evil3: -just think about it, the enemy air force flies over the place, only to be fired upon by invisible turrets :D)? [/B]

That'd be cool, but...balance would go way off :(
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