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Star Wars: KotOR 3 The Return of the Sith: Kamino

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06-24-2006, 5:09 AM
"If you can call an wicked insult like that a joke," Said the man darkly "Propberly."
 Master Jimmy
07-02-2006, 4:45 AM
"The dark side grows stronger!" Revan warned, keeping his family close.
07-03-2006, 5:29 PM
"I feel it too," Bastila commented. "But what does it mean?"
 Jason Skywalker
07-03-2006, 6:25 PM
"Strange. It seems faint, like Nihilus but if you can sense it, it's really powerful." remarked Jaden.
07-03-2006, 7:47 PM
"What's that supposed to mean?" Bastila asked.
 Master Jimmy
07-04-2006, 12:04 AM
"No... I thought they were gone... Damnit!" Revan said in deep dispair.
"Dad, what is it?" asked Zhar.
"I left the Republic to destroy the Sith, son... I thought I did and I came back to restore the order... but I think what I was looking for might've been here the whole time! Damnit!" explained Revan. Revan then turned to Lance, "Tell me, what's the name of your boss." Revan demanded.
07-04-2006, 11:17 AM
Lance paused, "He is called Boss... He never uses his real name. Why is that important?"
07-04-2006, 11:40 AM
"Statement: That will not be any of your business, meatbag," HK 47 said.
07-04-2006, 12:28 PM
"Oh shut up you pile of bolts. I wasn't talking to you."
07-04-2006, 12:34 PM
((heh, got on your chars nerves, huh? :D ))
07-04-2006, 12:37 PM
((lol, sure looks like that))
 Master Jimmy
07-04-2006, 7:04 PM
"Answer my question first! What is the name he uses?" asked Revan. He then turned to HK "I appreciate you try to help HK, but let me do the talking."
07-05-2006, 4:05 AM
"I am sorry, Master," HK replied. "But this facility is...well, boring."

He turned to the Kaminoan.

"Pardon me, meat-uh, sentient," he said.
07-05-2006, 10:52 AM
"Boss is the name he uses. However when he first accquired the facillity I remenber he went by the name of Victor."
 Master Jimmy
07-05-2006, 7:03 PM
"Hmmm, him and I are going to have a little chat, if it's fine with him. If he does, tell him: A Jedi named Revan wants to have a little talk." told Revan.
07-06-2006, 4:17 AM
"Caution: Please be careful, Master," HK said. "It would save me the trouble of blasting every meatbag here to avenge you."

07-06-2006, 11:19 AM
"Okay." The kaminion walked off but returned 10 minutes later. "The Boss has agreed but he wishes only to speak to Revan. That's it."
07-06-2006, 11:22 AM
HK spoke softly to Revan:
"Query: May I remain outside the place of your meatbag summit, Master?"

((just giving the usual 'ready for action' droid look :D don't mind me, but i'd highly appreciate it if i can come along, then i'll have a surprise for the rest of the party. you won't be disappointed :)))
07-06-2006, 11:25 AM
"Do what you wish. As long as you don't distrupt the mission." Replied the man and a green light behind him began to flash.
07-07-2006, 1:45 PM
((The man is your tour guide. The guy you met outside :| ))
 Master Jimmy
07-08-2006, 4:16 AM
((Sorry, just tired *chugs some pepsi*))

"Great, but is it okay if my droid waits outside for safety reasons?" asked Revan.
07-08-2006, 5:30 AM
"Sure but he can not use any trouble or interfier with the meeting or we shall destroy him. Also everyone else must not come, they must stay on this level of the base. If they so desire they may speak to the cloners. We're afriad they can't speak to the clones themself, even though the clones on this level are exactly like Human they're imune systems aren't fully developed so they have to stay in their pods. Also use of the elevator is strictly forbidden. If anyone goes in it all of you will be asked, or force if nessiary, to leave. Understood?"
07-08-2006, 7:38 AM
"Statement: I will wait outside the Master's summit location, sentient," HK assured the Kaminoan. "No trouble will be caused unless my Master orders it."
 Master Jimmy
07-08-2006, 1:09 PM
"As much as he likes to kill, he can be very obediant... now can I have that meeting?"
07-08-2006, 2:26 PM
"What do you want the rest of us to do?" Canderous asked.
 Master Jimmy
07-08-2006, 3:08 PM
"Wait" Revan replied
07-08-2006, 3:36 PM
"Will do," Canderous said.

Bastila walked up to Revan and put her hand on his shoulder.
 Master Jimmy
07-08-2006, 4:06 PM
"Don't worry... I'll be fine." told Revan.
07-08-2006, 5:27 PM
"I'll be waiting for you," Bastila replied dramatically.
07-08-2006, 5:46 PM
"Statement: Much as I hate to interrupt, Master," HK said. "But I really think you should meet with this 'Boss' before you press your slimy mucus-covered lips together."
 Master Jimmy
07-08-2006, 7:31 PM
Revan sighed "Okay, lets go HK" ordered Revan. Revan then turned to Bastila, "I'll be back, darling... I'll be fine."
07-08-2006, 7:56 PM
"I know you will," Bastila said, then let go.

Canderous shifted awkwardly.
 Jason Skywalker
07-09-2006, 8:29 AM
"Good luck." said Jaden to Revan. "Oh, and HK, you do one more joke, and i install the pacifier on you."
07-09-2006, 12:11 PM
"Statement: You will try, young Master," HK said as he followed Revan. "But I have safeguards that I installed within myself to prevent that type of electronic butchery on your part."
 Jason Skywalker
07-09-2006, 4:23 PM
"Looks like he outsmarted you, eh Jaden?" said Mira.
07-09-2006, 7:21 PM
Canderous chuckled quietly, but Bastila didn't seem to notice the conversation. She leaned up against a wall and starred into space.
 Master Jimmy
07-09-2006, 9:52 PM
"I love you." Revan said to Bastila using the force.
 Master Jimmy
07-12-2006, 1:41 PM
"Okay, we're ready to go." told Revan.
07-15-2006, 3:32 PM
Bastila felt something in the force. She knew that it was Revan. "I love you too," she replied through the force.
 Master Jimmy
07-15-2006, 3:36 PM
Revan smiled as he walked to the head office.
 Jason Skywalker
07-15-2006, 3:41 PM
"So, what do we do now?" asked Jaden to everyone.
07-15-2006, 3:42 PM
"I guess we just wait 'till Revan returns," Canderous said, leaning up against a wall. "I suggest you get comfortable. His adventures aren't usually coffee breaks."
07-17-2006, 6:13 PM
Revan and HK where then lead into the elivator where they were taken to the top level. Their guide and thened to them, "The Boss is waiting through those doors," He pointed to large gate-type door "The droids stays here."
 Master Jimmy
07-17-2006, 7:44 PM
"HK, I'll be fine. It was part of the deal for you to stay outside." reminded Revan.
07-18-2006, 4:25 AM
"Acknowledgement: I will remain here as per your orders, Master." HK assured.
 Master Jimmy
07-18-2006, 5:45 PM
"Good, That will be all HK." Revan then turned to Lance, "I'm ready to see your boss."
 Jason Skywalker
07-18-2006, 5:50 PM
"Hmm, this is boring, i'm gonna go scout around." Mira said. Jaden grabbed her wrist and made a "no" sign with his head. Mira then sighed and crossed her arms.
 Master Jimmy
07-21-2006, 12:13 AM
When's this "boss" gonna let me in? Revan thought to himself
07-21-2006, 6:26 PM
There was a unlocking sounds and the door slowly opened. Revan walked in as saw the boss, and to his sirprise it wasn't an strang evil looking alien, it was a human. An ordinary everyday looking human in a suit. "Hello, I take it your Revan, pleasure to meet you, I'm Victor."
 Master Jimmy
07-21-2006, 6:59 PM
"Likewise. My wife and I, Bastila have come here to investigate something that has caught our attention... It might be the Sith." Revan explained.
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