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Star Wars:An Echo from Corellia

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06-17-2006, 5:07 PM
"I'd love to. I couldn't bare to stay in the presence of a proud, stuck up git like yourself." He then turned to master Tomb "Good to see you again Sankra. Well I'll be off. I've got a terrorist cell I've got to destroy"
06-17-2006, 5:14 PM
Master Tomb watched jack walk away and turned back to Silo "I must prepare for the next meeting of the council." He then walked away.
06-17-2006, 6:22 PM
Silo was flustered, tired, and had lost a big part of his life... he was angry and couldnt concentrate on the task at hand, "Master Tomb, thank you for tolerateing my behavior. I have lost a mentor and my only parental figure. I am sorry, I have nearly lost control three times today, I will go and rest." Silo said to Master Tomb, "Then i'll be off, to find our Exiled friend. I will recieve no help from the Republic... if you want a job done right, do it yourself they always say, heh." Silo said walking away.
06-18-2006, 9:41 AM
Master tomb turned back and walked up behind Silo, he placed his hand on the council leader shoulder to stop him walking.

"It is not a good idea to chase this exile in your current state of mind, the council will not agree to your leaving." He stated removing his hand. "but i have known you long enougth to understand that you will go with or without the support of the rest of the council... That is why i will aid you in your task and travel by your side."
06-18-2006, 11:28 AM
Silo smiled and said, "You will? Thank you Master Tomb! I only plan to arrest him for his actions here. We will go to Nal Hutta first. It is the Hutt homeworld and will be a great start for our fugitive hunt. Be in the hangar early tommorow morning we will star our hunt there. While we are searching there we may be able to find out about this Sith Terror Cell."
06-18-2006, 11:40 AM
"That would be wise, the Sith have grown more daring the past few weeks. There threat must be dealt with as soon as we can." He said before raising his hood.

"May the force be with you Master Jedi." and with that he walked out of the room and went to the meditation chamber.
06-18-2006, 2:31 PM
'So bub, hows aboutsh you give a guys a hand?' a man said in a deep accent, dropping down on a seat across from Drake. "Not interested..." 'C'mon...' "No.." Drake responded, turning to the man. 'I said buy me a **** drink!' The man yelled, pushing Drake violently. Within moments, the crowd stopped to look as a beam of purple light shot through the man's chest and out of his back. He pushed the man over and deactivated his saber.

Drake stood up and headed out of the door, the patrons rushing over to see if the man was alright. Several people ran out of Drake's way as he headed out the door. A bit popular now.
06-20-2006, 2:04 PM
Early the next morning, Silo's ship the Grace Hawk was preped for launch. Silo was waiting the arival of Master Tomb.
06-20-2006, 2:10 PM
Master Sankra Tomb walked into the hanger where the grace hawk and Silo were waiting. He Walked up the loading ramp into the ship and towards silo. "I'm ready to follow your lead."
06-20-2006, 3:19 PM
"Alright, Master Tomb please go to the primary deck and I will be there in a minute." Silo said pointing at the moddified Correlian Corvette.
06-22-2006, 2:50 PM
Master Tomb stepped upo and walked over to the co-pilots seat and looked around at Silo "I presume you are driving."
06-22-2006, 3:09 PM
"Of course, who else could keep this pile running." Silo said with a smile. "Set course for Nal Hutta, investigation location number one. " as they reared on the slimy planet they got a news report of a murder on Nar Shadda, "Should we check it out?" Silo asked Master Tomb.
06-22-2006, 3:58 PM
"Perhaps we should. It would be good fr the reputation of the jedi if we aid the locals in this investigation." Master Tomb agreed
06-22-2006, 4:57 PM
"Damn civilians.. always get in the.. WAY!" And with that last word, he had slugged one drunk man in the jaw who was stumbling on him, knocking the man flat on the ground. He flicked his fingers a little bit from the impact and continued walking. He opened up the door to an old hotel, walking to the counter he rang the bell, watching as an old man walked towards him. " I'd like a room on the top floor, sir," Drake said. "Alright.. that'll be 4000 credits a night." The man said, taking 8000 credits that was on the counter. "Expensive as hell.. " Drake walked off," highway robbery..damn old man.." He mumbled under his breath as he started up the stairs to his room.

By the time he made it to his room, the crowd outside was beginning to calm down an authorities still had no idea who had killed the man, but there were witnesses.
06-22-2006, 6:00 PM
The GraceHawk had trouble landing, apparently there were no available pads available. Silo knew that there was a pad somewhere, he took her into the area he found an available pad. He and Master Tomb walked down the ramp to be met by Czerka Slavers. A Tw'leik male walked towards them with thugish Gran riflemen, "This sector is restricted, you'll need permits to land here." he said in the Tw'leik tounge, Silo then only able to understand very little Tw'leik asked Master Tomb, "I dont know what he said, please 'convince' him to let us pass? Tell him were with the Republics investigation team."
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