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STAR WARS The Jedi Order

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06-22-2006, 7:06 PM
the story is great
06-27-2006, 5:55 PM
okay guys chap 9 tomorrow
06-28-2006, 2:50 PM
Chapter 9 The End of Nilin

Grivis entered the throne of Darth Nilin. “Hello Grivis, said Nilin without turning. You have completed your mission, so I will grant you with a harder challenge. I will give you 2 apprentices, Darth Arca and Darth Forus.” “Thank you master, I also have a gift to you.
He handed him the Y-saber. It is a saber made by a army of ex-jedi or sith. I killed most of them. Activate it” replied Grivis. “Very well” Nilin replied. He activated the saber. It blew up in his face, knocking him over. Then Grivis jumped up preparing the finishing move. Nilin flipped up kicking Grivis in the face. “You can’t win, Nilin” Grivis said as he moved to the left. Then he jumped right, still in the air he jumped forward landing behind Nilin. He turned kicking Nilin in the stomach then tripped him. “You lose Grivis started. Now I’m the emperor” he finished. He cut off Nilin’s head.

He left his new throne and went to the academy there he found his new apprentices.
“Hello my friends meet the emperor” Grivis said. “What about lord Nilin” asked Arca. “He has died” replied Grivis. As he said it part of the academy roof was destroyed and thousands of Cruins ran in, killing sith after sith. Grivis jumped up signaling Forus and Arca to follow. They ran to the command post. Grivis activated the communications as Arca and Forus killed Cruins. “This is Grivis the new emperor, Nilin has died. We our under attack I repeat we our under attack. I want Vox, Maul, and Zan at the command post now”. He shut it off, he felt Tyler was still alive.

A sith snuck to a ship, he had to escape to go to Skylerc to find his master. His name was Darth Strander. As he entered the ship he saw Vader. “Hello Strander, Vader said. I’m sorry your escape is ruined everyone is going to Dantooine to attack the jedi. Mission Failed for you” Vader said.

Stay tuned for the last chapter The War of the Dead
 Diego Varen
06-28-2006, 3:48 PM
Okay... The last Chapter is the next one? Well at least it was longer than The Sith Order. A good novel would be at least twenty Chapters... Oh well it's your Fic.

PS. Improved Grammar that could still use editing. And good Chapter.
06-28-2006, 3:57 PM
i know but TWOTD fic will be longer
06-30-2006, 3:43 PM
Chapter 10 The War of the Dead

“Lord Vader, we have learned the jedi have left Dantooine and our headed to Skylerc” said a sith commander. “Then set course for Skylerc, to ambush them, now move” Vader replied.

“Our target is Tyler Frye, leader of the Cruins kill all in your way but bring him to me now attack” ordered Grivis. They moved out killing the Cruins, when thousands of jedi cruisers landed. Grivis jumped to one and quickly planted 5 det packs. He ran back blowing the ship up. Millions of jedi ran to the battlefield killing the sith. That’s when Grivis relied the jedi and the Cruins made a peace treaty, they were out numbered. “My lord, Lord Vader and the sith have arrived” said a sith. “Good” replied Grivis. As he removed a head of a jedi. The sith poured into the battle field killing Cruins and Jedi.
Grivis ran to Vader, noticing his bodyguards: Sion, Nilius, Malak, Raven, Strander, and Sidious. “The jedi our retreating, Attack” Vader told the army. Grivis left Vader, planning to corner Tyler. Then he was pushed into the air, he flipped and landed. Tyler stood red Y-saber in hand. “I’m no longer Tyler, I’m now Darth Nordis” he said. Grivis charged swinging his saber at Nordis’s head. Nordis blocked it, then tried to trip Grivis. Grivis jumped and kicked him in the face.

The battle continued, sith and jedi dying, the Cruins had gone to Yavin 5 to await the jedi. Luke had never seen such a battle. He told Kyle to retreat the jedi. He entered his ship, thinking the same Grivis will soon think- War had begun.

Grivis blocked Nordis’s attack as he sung at him. Nordis turned and jumped into a leaving jedi cruiser. Grivis left to his throne.

There he thought- the battle was over and The War of the Dead had begun.

The End
Okay i know this was confusing but it was kind of a opening for the 20 chapter The War of the Dead.
 Diego Varen
06-30-2006, 5:03 PM
Well bringing back all the KOTOR Sith and Sidious (aka Palpatine) was strange and I have to agree that this is confusing.

The End
Okay i know this was confusing but it was kind of a opening for the 20 chapter The War of the Dead.

What does this mean? Do you mean an opening of the 20th Chapter of The War of the Dead? Anyway, I'll wait for The War of the Dead to be started.
06-30-2006, 5:05 PM
i mean TWOTD will have 20 chapters

EDIT: twotd won't start for awile becouse im going on a trip i'll work on the storyline and use my aunts computer i might be able 2 do chap 1 before the trip though
06-30-2006, 8:04 PM
I was a bit confusing, but I suppose that you meant it that way. Good fic.
06-30-2006, 8:09 PM
thanks niner,
every body
after this trilogy i'll probaley make a what if story about yoda turning to the dark side or someone else
07-01-2006, 9:47 AM
That would definitly be interesting.
07-01-2006, 9:58 AM
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