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BountyHawks - Recruiting (NEW CLAN)

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06-12-2006, 1:33 AM
BountyHawks are here, but we are missing alot of things and that would be you, yes i need you to help me grow my clan bigger, you may like my clan, but i dont give a f**k if you dont, as my clan is not a good one its more of the evil, and greedy, plus our clan is not a clone clan, its a Bounty Hunter Clan, when i say that i dont mean its just BountyHunters, there is also Jedi Bountys and Sith Bounty's...

Please feel free to check my site out, i am willing to let anyone in, but you must have what i am looking for, this includes you must have Xfire, and know the Rules...

I will not take notice in my clan on a little baby...

Have Fun...

:twogun: :twogun: :twogun: :vsd: :twogun: :twogun: :twogun:
Welcome to the Future, We are the Future...
06-12-2006, 1:34 AM
Also if you would like, give me some idea's that would be good for my site...
06-12-2006, 5:21 PM
Also, if you get confused on my site please to a look at the following links in my site...

Information on Site.

this link will tell you what we are, and what most of the stuff in my link means...
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