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Rate My Fic.

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 Renegade Puma
06-01-2006, 6:27 AM
I would just like yall to rate my fic. I am thinking of re-writing it with better editing and what not and posting it on more sites. But I before I do all that I want to know if it will be worth my time. So, rate it please :)

The Crystal Of Life (
06-01-2006, 6:37 AM
Not approriate for Ahto as we have a Fanfic forum... moving.

This might get closed because this is a little redundant as you can get feedback from the thread you posted your fic in. ;)
 Renegade Puma
06-01-2006, 6:39 AM
Sorry Redhawke. I did this for the poll. I didn't really think about putting a poll in my thread. So if you wish to then go ahead and close it :) I didn't mean to cause any clutter or "Redundancy" ;)
06-01-2006, 6:45 AM
I think you misunderstood, I personally don't have an issue with a poll, but as I don't regularly mod the Fanfic section I was including a disclaimer, that's all. ;)
 Diego Varen
06-01-2006, 7:02 AM
It's a great Fic and I enjoy reading it when there is nothing else to do.
06-01-2006, 7:35 AM
i gave five stars, but i can get enough :D ;) good work anyway,
06-01-2006, 2:33 PM
as Redhawke stated, this thread is quite redundant. the thread you posted your fanfic in is where you'll get your feedback.


Now I know! Muahahahahaha! *Flees thread with Phantom of the Opera Music blaring...* -RH
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