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Ebon Hawk Crew - The Clone Wars

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 Diego Varen
05-20-2006, 6:14 PM
This a Prequel to the first Ebon Hawk Crew, starring Zack Kahn, from my Jedi Forces Fic. This is his story about how he was involved in the Clone Wars and before he betrayed the Old Republic and became the Emperor's Bodyguard and General/Admiral. He is a Captain for now, but he will soon be promoted to General.

Star Wars
Ebon Hawk Crew - The Clone Wars

Twenty three years before the Battle of Yavin, the Clone Wars begun.

Zack Kahn, a Republic Captain from Naboo has joined in the fighting against the Confederacy Of Independent Systems, in his ship, the Ebon Hawk.

Now he is on the Planet Geonosis, along with Master Yoda and the Clones to save Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Apprentice Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala...


These rules are the same as last time.

1. You can't have more than one Character unless if you ask me.

2. If you are one of the lucky join the Ebon Hawk Crew, you can't leave unless you ask me.

3. You can either be a Jedi, a Republic/Sith Soldier, a Smuggler, a Medic, a Droid or anything else you can think of. You can be any Species you want (Other then a Gizka, Rakghoul, stuff like that, no pets like Rancor).

4. There is a maximum of ten spaces free in the Ebon Hawk Crew, so the first ten people who want to join, are the first ten. You can't join if there are ten people, unless they leave. However you can still be a Character in the RPG.

Here is how you set up your Character.

Name: General Zack Khan
Position In Ebon Hawk Crew: Captain 23 BBY - 19 BBY
Species: Twi'lek
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: None
Favourite Weapon(s): Naboo Blaster (
Favourite Ship(s): The Ebon Hawk
Homeworld: Naboo
Political Affiliation: Galactic Republic
Allies: Galactic Republic/Jedi
Enemies: Confederacy Of Independent Systems/Sith
Bio: Zack Kahn was born on Naboo and he lived with a wealthy Family. He started off learning the ways of the Echani, by a young Echani Woman. He soon went to the Naboo Military Academy and trained to become a Naboo Soldier, although he still remembered his Echani training. His first major Battle was when he served under Captain Panaka in the Battle Of Naboo.

Soon after the Battle Of Naboo, he bought the Ebon Hawk off a dealer on Cornet. He used the ship alot.

Right now, he has become involved in the Clone Wars. Little does he know, that he will soon have a crew.

(If you are a Jedi/Sith, you need Lightsaber Colour(s), Favourite Force Power(s), Master(s) and Apprentice(s) in the profile.


Characters needed:

A General: No Count Dooku, but there needs to be a General (Not General Grievous or Sev'Rance Tann). Now the General must be a Sith (Not a Sith Lord, just an Adept of the Dark Side).

A Jedi: This will be someone who joins Captain Kahn in the Ebon Hawk Crew (Note, not a famous Jedi, like Mace Windu or Yoda).

Other than that, Characters are up to you.

Note: The Ebon Hawk Crew still needs to be finished.
 Jason Skywalker
05-20-2006, 6:52 PM
Name: Reyvan Skyrider.
Position In Ebon Hawk Crew: Co-Captain.
Species: Human.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black.
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber.
Lightsaber Colour:Blue.
Favourite Ship(s): The Ebon Hawk
Homeworld: Coruscant.
Political Affiliation: Galactic Republic and Jedi.
Allies: Galactic Republic/Jedi
Enemies: Confederacy Of Independent Systems/Sith
Master(s):Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda.
Bio:Reyvan is a great Jedi,along side Anakin Skywalker.Both are great friends,and little do they know that friendship isn't going to last soon.Born in Coruscant,Reyvan started training at a young age,like many others,under the tutoring of Master Yoda.Then he was assigne to Master Qui-Gon Jinn,but since he died,he was assigned to Obi-Wan Kenobi,alongisde Anakin Skywalker.
05-20-2006, 8:18 PM
Name: Exodious Prime
Position In Ebon Hawk Crew: Soldier
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Grey
Hair Colour: Dirty Blond
Favourite Weapon(s): DC-17m
Favourite Ship(s): The Ebon Hawk
Homeworld: Coruscant
Political Affiliation: Galactic Republic
Allies: Galactic Republic/Jedi
Enemies: Confederacy Of Independent Systems/Sith
Bio: Exodious grew up with his father Maximus and his brother Auxidious as bountyhunters. When he was old enough to go out into the world by himself, Exodious wandered the galaxy looking for truth. He explored both the light and the dark. In his searches, he came upon the Ebon Hawk and joined the crew, hoping to learn and to teach.

It is okay if I join, right?
 Diego Varen
05-21-2006, 5:07 AM
It is okay if I join, right?

As I said, anyone can join. Once we have some more people, we shall start on Geonosis, just after saving Obi-Wan, Anakin and Senator Amidala.
05-21-2006, 5:17 AM
Name: John Ranger
Position In Ebon Hawk Crew:Piolt
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Favourite Weapon(s): Shotgun
Favourite Ship(s): Fighter and Feighters
Homeworld: Naboo
Political Affiliation: Galactic Republic
Allies: Galactic Republic
Enemies: Confederacy Of Independent Systems/Sith/Jedi
Bio: Once a jedi in the order who was framed for murder of a Jedi Padawan. And for the crime he did not commit, he was exiled and sent to do hard labour. However he had other plans. John escaped from the transport that way carring him by an escape pod, crashing into a forrest moon. After that the headed to a spaceport and got work.
 Diego Varen
05-21-2006, 5:19 AM
I hope you will stay with the Ebon Hawk Crew this time...
05-21-2006, 5:23 AM
I will. Sorry about last time.
 Diego Varen
05-21-2006, 5:43 AM
That's okay. Just to let you know, the second part of Jedi Forces has begun. It stars my Character, but he isn't a main Character as much. And he is with the Empire.
05-21-2006, 10:48 AM
I'm excited about this RP. I hope it is as successful as your last one, Pottsie
 Diego Varen
05-21-2006, 10:59 AM
I'm excited about this RP. I hope it is as successful as your last one, Pottsie

And me. The last one still needs finishing.
05-21-2006, 1:04 PM
Just a suggestion, but when you guys are one Geonosis, say that Zack is given a Clone Commander while on the mission but he gets killed during the end. And when you get the ship you head my spaceport or go to my spaceport to get the Ebon Hawk.
 Diego Varen
05-21-2006, 1:07 PM
Sounds good, but you'll have to wait for Zack, Reyvan and Exodious to get off Geonosis.
05-22-2006, 7:43 PM
I'm just curious what types of missions we'll be on fighting against the CIS? I was thinking about doing a RPG with some missions from BF2, though I'm not great at making RPGs. This is set in the right time period, so maybe the Ebon Hawk Crew could help in some of those battles. Only if you wanted, of course.
 Diego Varen
05-23-2006, 2:30 AM
I'm just curious what types of missions we'll be on fighting against the CIS? I was thinking about doing a RPG with some missions from BF2, though I'm not great at making RPGs. This is set in the right time period, so maybe the Ebon Hawk Crew could help in some of those battles. Only if you wanted, of course.

That was the idea, but this RP was also to show the fall of the Old Republic (Much like Rise Of The Empire on Battlefront II).
05-23-2006, 3:40 PM
Cool. This looks like it has a lot of material available. Hopefully it will last a long time and be very successful.
 Diego Varen
05-24-2006, 1:30 AM
Cool. This looks like it has a lot of material available. Hopefully it will last a long time and be very successful.

Take a look at my first Ebon Hawk Crew. It's about six/seven pages long.
05-24-2006, 5:10 PM
Yeah, I hope that this one lasts as long as the first one.
05-25-2006, 12:34 AM
Name: Jack Thyer
Position in Ebon Hawk: Jedi
Species: Human
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Favorite Weapon: Lightsaber
LS Color: Blue
Homeworld: Onderon
Political Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Allies: Jedi/GR
Enemies: Confederacy/Sith
Master(s): Yoda
Apprentices: None
Favorite Force Power: Force Push
Bio: Jack was born on Onderon to a poor family. His Force potential was recognized by Yoda, and soon became his apprentice. His lightsaber skills are above average, and his Force work average, though his healing powers are subpar.
05-25-2006, 3:51 PM
Thanks for joining.
 Master Jimmy
06-04-2006, 2:41 AM
Name: Aalaya Vyna
Position in Ebon Hawk: Jedi/Medic
Species: Twi'lek
Eye Colour: Blue
Skin Colour: Chalky White
Favourite Weapon: The Force
Colour: Purple
Homeworld: Ryloth
Political Affiliation: Jedi and only Jedi
Allies: Jedi
Enemies: The Hutts, Sith, CIS
Master: Mace Windu
Apprentices: None
Favourite Force Power: Force Heal
Bio: Aalaya was kidnapped when she was twelve and forced into slavery under Gardula the Hutt. She was beaten and starved for days if she failed to please her master. When a strike team of Jedi raided her lair Mace Windu rescued her when she was left for dead in her cell. Mace sensed that she was strong in the Force, he offered to train her, how could she refuse.
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