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Starwars: The Original Sith

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05-07-2006, 10:55 AM
The Orginal Sith Lords
new RP
Takes place 500 years before Revan. The Sith Lord have just gone to Koriban in search for a good place to start their new religion.

here are the rules.....

only one character per person-

dosnt matter what type of character-


oh and have fun-

My character:

Name: Kon Dim
Gender: Male
Race: Zabrack
Affiliation:New sith lord
Equipment:Black Jedi Robe, dark red double bladded light sabre, Black face mask that covers his nose and mouth. Jedi holocron conating his entire past and the Zabrack history.
Homeworld: Iridonia
Force Powers:Force jump,force throw,mind trick,lightsabre throw
Masters: none
Apprentices: none

Be sure to join in on the fun!
 Diego Varen
05-07-2006, 11:01 AM
Name: Kloo Tow
Gender: Male
Race: Kel Dor
Affiliation: Jedi Master
Equipment: Two Blue Lightsabers, Jedi Robe
Homeworld: Kril'dor
Force Powers: All Core Force Powers and Heal and Lightning
Masters: Unknown
Apprentices: Unknown
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