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Goodbye peoples.

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 Poor Bastard
12-10-2000, 1:50 AM
I am leaving to the USA in about 16 hours. I'll be back in January, although I might drop by whenever I find a computer... So like, yeah...

You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...
 Admiral Zaarin
12-10-2000, 1:53 AM
Who Are You?<font size=-2><sup>TM</sup></font>

<font size=-1>Sorry, couldn't resist...</font>

Have a great trip!
 Nute Gunray
12-10-2000, 2:07 AM
It's cold here. In the US that is.
 Poor Bastard
12-10-2000, 2:14 AM
I'll buy clothes for COLD weather once I arrive there. I'll prolly stop by a Salvation Army or something and buy some used clothes that smell like blood and beer...

You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...
12-10-2000, 2:24 AM
PB, where you going to be? Are you coming here to look for sleazy white trash girls?
 Poor Bastard
12-10-2000, 2:26 AM
I'll be roaming around the east coast in a mini-van full of boring people. YAY.

You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...
12-10-2000, 2:34 AM
Are you going to be gone for good?(Please,oh please.)
Can you take us with you?
12-10-2000, 5:41 AM
have good trip. see later. me talk good like eh?
12-10-2000, 10:30 AM
GOING to the US!? I thought you lived in the US! Where DO you live?

Self proclaimed Forum Drunk

I Rock (English for I have an Ego the size of a small country, like Luxumboug, or Vietnam)
 Keyan Farlander
12-10-2000, 10:57 AM
He lives in Brazil. (His dad is a drug lord, by the way.)
12-10-2000, 11:46 AM
can he give me a good rate?

I am the forum's pet cross dressing punk
(that everyone forgets to feed)

[This message has been edited by janek17 (edited December 10, 2000).]
 Keyan Farlander
12-10-2000, 11:56 AM
It's funny you should ask it quite that way - he's also a male prostitute.
 Poor Bastard
12-10-2000, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Keyan Farlander:
It's funny you should ask it quite that way - he's also a male prostitute.

Shut up, Keyan. I just might drop by your dorm and shoot you between the eyes, after all, my father is taking his gun with him. Seriously...

Anyway, this is probably my last post... I'll see you all in like, a few weeks... So like, yeah... I dunno... *burp*

You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...
 Darth Sceltor
12-10-2000, 4:49 PM
You know what's funny? If PB never posts here again, his last "word" will be "burp".
12-10-2000, 5:00 PM
Darth Sceltor if you never posts here again, your last "word" will also be "burp".

I'm just writting this part of my post right now so my last word wont be you know what...
 Nute Gunray
12-10-2000, 5:45 PM
Originally posted by GUNNER:
PB, where you going to be? Are you coming here to look for sleazy white trash girls?


I have a life, but I feel mostly dead.
 Darth Sceltor
12-10-2000, 5:53 PM
Now it would be "plarth".
12-10-2000, 5:53 PM
What hes going to do with them is the scary part.
12-10-2000, 6:40 PM
I bet PB's trip is for bussiness reason. Drug selling must be down along the east coast

"Dulce bellum inexpertis."
(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb
12-10-2000, 8:21 PM
Don't come to Maryland, or we'll shoot you first, and take all of your drugs

You were expecting a creative sig?
Rogue 6
 Nute Gunray
12-10-2000, 8:31 PM

PB's last message to me before he left.

I have a life, but I feel mostly dead.
12-10-2000, 8:55 PM
Somehow, that's entirely fitting for PB!

You were expecting a creative sig?
Rogue 6
12-10-2000, 9:19 PM
PB known as Seсor Drug Lord el Bastardo...
the fear of all Brazilian people...

The fun went away along with the pixels.
12-10-2000, 11:00 PM
I dont want to spoil this holy time without PB.This time is too valuable.
 Flying Beastie
12-11-2000, 5:49 PM
Thought we'd never get rid of him.

Party time!

"I have two modes with people; bite and avoid." --Angel
12-11-2000, 5:54 PM
It would be funny if we banned him while hes not looking.

And the only excuse we would have is that we thought he was MIA.
12-11-2000, 7:36 PM
That would be a nice christmas present.

"Dulce bellum inexpertis."
(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb
12-11-2000, 7:41 PM
Too nice for the likes of us

You were expecting a creative sig?
Rogue 6
12-11-2000, 11:35 PM
Then we get to make fun of him becase he'll be a newbie...
12-12-2000, 12:10 AM
Or we don't ban him (save us the trouble of hearing him rant and rave) and just make fun of him. Someone should start a make fun of PB thread. (to tried to do it right now.

"Dulce bellum inexpertis."
(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb
12-13-2000, 9:53 AM
PB is going to the USA ???

OMG, OK people, from now on we;re on DEFCON 2
stay tuned, this is going to be an international incident !!!

"No matter how pretty the bait,
a hook is still a hook !"
12-13-2000, 11:10 AM
Fondas, he wants to meet me.
 Rogue Nine
12-13-2000, 4:06 PM
Just DEFCON 2, Fondy?
 Nute Gunray
12-13-2000, 4:23 PM
you dont WANT higher than 2.

Defense Conditions (DefCon)
DefCon 5-Peacetime
DefCon 4-Alert (This is the usual one)
DefCon 3-High Alert
DefCon 2-Highest Alert/Standby (at this point, bombers are in the air, missile doors open on subs, and covers are off the silos) Can also represent conventional warfare.
DefCon 1-Launch codes issued to nuclear forces. <--We've only gotten to that point THRICE. And two of the times (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) the term DefCon didn't exist yet. The third time was a hairy few minutes during the Cuban Missile Crisis. They dont' talk about that part much.

I have a life, but I feel mostly dead.

[This message has been edited by Nute Gunray (edited December 13, 2000).]
 Commander 598
12-14-2000, 1:11 AM
Defcon 1-Boom

Evil...Right down to the little smirk on my face.
12-14-2000, 11:05 AM
We should report him to NSA (National Security Agency), and say PB plans on trying to kill Bush.

"Dulce bellum inexpertis."
(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb
 Poor Bastard
12-28-2000, 3:46 PM
Hello losers!!1

/me says hello.

well then, uhh.. bye.


You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...
12-28-2000, 3:55 PM
<font size=12>[b]OH ****!
 Darth Sceltor
12-28-2000, 7:44 PM
12-28-2000, 7:46 PM
12-28-2000, 7:53 PM
12-28-2000, 7:54 PM
12-28-2000, 7:56 PM
JR2KZ = d0ub13 p05ter!!

It takes all kinds... The question is, what is 'it'?
12-28-2000, 8:00 PM
12-28-2000, 9:45 PM
sure you were.

"Dulce bellum inexpertis."
(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb
12-28-2000, 9:54 PM
It's never your fault. Just blame it on PB

"Noobies Suck"
Rogue 6
12-28-2000, 11:11 PM
I got a list of people to blame.
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