KSE closes immediately when launched.
Possible Causes:
You have logged in using a username with an accent mark, an umlaut, or other diacritic. This is a known bug associated with PerlApp.
You have a non-English OS
Possible Solutions:
Log in using a username without a diacritic.
Try using KSEa, Kotor Savegame Editor Alternate, which is compiled with an earlier version of Perl without unicode implementations. This available at
Upon expanding a savegame node in KSE you get an error that looks something like this:
Attempted to read past end of dialog.tlk(tried to read string 136336
but dialog.tlk has 136321 entries
KotOR Spells.2daCause:
This error is caused by installing a mod incorrectly or by trying to edit a savegame after uninstalling a mod.
The dialog.tlk file contains the bulk of all the names and descriptions in the game. Certain files refer to the entries in the dialog.tlk file by an index number. Many game files are GFF-formatted files and can store names/descriptions internally without the need to refer to the dialog.tlk file; however, the .2da files (eg. spells.2da, feat.2da) require dialog.tlk entries to make their descriptions appear correctly in the game. Mods that add new force powers, for example, must provide a dialog.tlk patch so that the power description becomes visible. This patch (usually provided via TSLPatcher installation file) typically adds news dialog.tlk entries. If the patch is not applied, the modded file (eg. spells.2da) will refer to a non-existant entry, causing the KSE error. Alternatively, the error can also be caused if a mod is removed after a game is played with the mod in place where the PC acquires the new power or feat.
Re-install the mod while carefully following the readme instructions or delete the offending savegame.
Troubleshooting Other Problems:
Oftentimes, crashes occur due to modified files (ie. mods) placed in the Override folder. You can test to see if this is the cause by temporarily renaming your Override folder to something else and seeing if KSE starts working correctly.
For deeper troubleshooting of KSE problems, you can peform further diagnostics using a kse.log file by following these steps.
Create a file called kse.log and put in the same directory as KSE.
Launch KSE and try to recreate the error.
Close KSE.
Read the contents of kse.log in Notepad. You may be able to diagnose the problem yourself from the last couple entries in the log. If not you can email the log file to me at the email address in kse-readme.txt.