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MC: AOTE: Rhea

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04-17-2006, 8:54 PM
"Hey, Beryl," Jana said cheerfully, poking her head into Beryl's room and looking around, missing Beryl at first glance. "Just so you know, it sounds like..." She trailed off, suddenly catching sight of Beryl. A disbelieving smile came to her face. "Whoa..."

She came completely into the room. "A dress, Beryl?" she laughed. "I figured you'd have disguised yourself, but..." She shook her head, clearly amused. "You clean up very well, I must say."
04-18-2006, 7:35 AM
"We'll normally i don't like to help Imperials... but considering you have the ability to obliterate my ship. I'm listening"
04-18-2006, 8:36 AM
"Well during the clone wars a republic star destroyer known as the Rhea. It was owned by a corrupted commander which performed illegal biological tests and other s***. During the rise of the empire it disappeared. I want to find to find the location of the ship so my men can captue and start my rebellion against the emporer. To get the location you must befriend an imperal moff known as John Butcher, mainly by going undercover a rich couple who incharge of resturant or something. The guy is a pig so it'll be easy for you to gain his trust as long as you can supply food. Question?"
04-18-2006, 12:23 PM
"No we'll do your job on one condition. You arrange the fake creds we'll need." Nic said reluctantly.
04-18-2006, 1:24 PM
"Deal. You may want to sort out the roles with your crew. Your going to need a husband and wife wh own the company, a personal servant (preferonably female), one or two body gaurds and the rest of your crew can be an infiltration team. If you need to ask any questions about infiltration ask your piolt. He knows what to do."
A puzzel look could be seen on Jacks face, "What in vaders name are you on about... crap, he's switched off his com.."
04-18-2006, 2:02 PM
Nic turned to Jack and walked over to the intercom. "Jack do me a favor and help Oliver into the common room." Nic hit the button on the intercom. "All crew to the common room... We have a job."

Nic then walked into the common room and waited for everyone else.
04-19-2006, 12:01 PM
Jack went to Oliver who was still in the med-bay. "Think you'll be able to walk to the common room by yourself?"
04-19-2006, 2:11 PM
"Yes, the antidote has helped me well. Thank you for the offer" Oliver standed up, and walked to the common room. He didn't have a clue, what was gonna happened.
04-19-2006, 2:50 PM
"I hadn't offered anything" Said Jack as he followed Oliver to the common room "Any idea what your going to do when you meet your brother. If you need anyone to punch, kick or grap, I'm here for you"
04-19-2006, 3:05 PM
"It's not gonna be violent. I hope - but hey - my brother won't touch me. He is too - nice, if you understand me".
04-19-2006, 3:27 PM
"Of corse he wouldn't touch you. We allready know he perfers to poisen you from a long distance."Jack said sarcastically.
04-20-2006, 8:33 PM
"Hey, Beryl," Jana said cheerfully, poking her head into Beryl's room and looking around, missing Beryl at first glance. "Just so you know, it sounds like..." She trailed off, suddenly catching sight of Beryl. A disbelieving smile came to her face. "Whoa..."

She came completely into the room. "A dress, Beryl?" she laughed. "I figured you'd have disguised yourself, but..." She shook her head, clearly amused. "You clean up very well, I must say."

Beryl gave her a curious look. "You've seen me in a dress before, haven't you? Granted, never one this... revealing, but I do wear them on occassion." She snapped her fingers. "I wore one to that club on Regis Fi... no, wait. That was when I was on the Averessan. Oh! What about that day at the swoop races on...." She frowned. "No, that was when you and Nic were gone those couple of days." She shrugged. "Nevermind. Point is that I didn't have much of a choice but to wear this. My own clothes kind of got... well, shredded."

She motioned for Jana to shut the door so that she could get start getting changed. "I met up with one of those Tusk Cats on the way to the ship," she said to Jana, not knowing that Jana already knew about her encounter. "Totally caught me by surprise. I don't really know how I made it out of its den alive, but I ended up sacrificing my Krayt Dragon jacket in the process." She sighed. "Damn. I liked that jacket, too."

Having now changed into clean trousers, tank top, and shirt, she picked up the flimsy green dress and hung it on a hanger. "Suppose it's not that bad," she said, examining it before hanging on the closet rail. "Just not my style, if you know what I mean. Although, it worked great on that nobleman in the casino." She grinned. "Ryshana and I fleeced him for thousands at the Stud Pazaak table."

She shut the closet door, then turned and gave Jana a serious look. "Now, since we're alone, care to tell me what's going on with you? Why you've been so... dare I even say it, moody and quiet?"

"All crew to the common room...," Nic's voice came over the com. "We have a job."

Beryl sighed. "Great," she grumbled. "And how much you want to bet it's something that Imp captain in that Dreadnaught doesn't want to do himself because it's either dangerous, illegal, or both." She paused a moment. "Either way, we need to get moving. Ryshana's out retrieving the Headhunter and Jack needs to get the Echo into the air for her to land in the drop-down bay."
04-20-2006, 9:13 PM
"I ran into the Tusk Cats too," Jana said, showing off the long scrape on her left arm and the bite marks on her leg. "Limping a bit now, but I should be alright."

She turned to open the door, but turned back. "Oh, you might want this back," she said holding out Beryl's TCTA medallion. Opening the door, she stepped out and said, "We'll talk later, maybe."

Then, she headed for the common room.
04-20-2006, 10:12 PM
"Ooh, ouch!" Beryl said, as she noticed Jana's wounds. "I've got some, too. But... they're not exactly in a place I want to show you," she added with a quick smile.

As Jana handed her the medallion, Beryl smiled. "Thanks," Beryl said, smiling as she held it in her hand. "Thought this was gone forever. Thanks!"

She followed Jana to the common room.
04-21-2006, 4:53 PM
Cloud heard the message and started toward the common room. He soon started thinking about his old friend Raiden. He last heard he was persuing a career in politics.
04-22-2006, 11:17 AM
((with the exception of ryshana i'll presume everyone in in the common room.))

Nic looked around the room and was obviously not too happy about their current situation. "I'm going to spell everything out so please, no interruptions. Our imperial," Nic paused and took a deep breath "'Friend' up there has given us an altermatum, do a job or get burried under blaster fire, i don't know about you but i don't much feel like being barbiqued today."

"The Job is a to find a Ship known as the Rhea, It's an old republic research ship. According to the Imp commander only one man knows it's location, an imperial Moff by the name of John Butcher." Nic paused for a few seconds

"He is the Imperial moff incharge of half the outer rim including Naboo, geonosis and Tatooine. Now how i would normally handle this kind of thing would involve me and Jana breaking in and beatin' the guy 'til he talks. Unfortunetly the Imp would prefer a more subtle approach."

"We're going to have to grift this one, con our way into his confidance, and as they say the best way to a mans heart is through his stomach. From what i managed to find out the Moff is holding a weekend retreat, We have been invited, thanks to the Imperial. I will pose as the head of a Company that owns farms on over 50 planets. I'll try to get the information by using my devilish charm." Nic said with a large smile and looked at Beryl.

"Beryl i hope you kept that dress, You scrub up well and you're my new wife. Ryshana and Jana will all so be joining us as my servents dash bodyguards." Nic turned to Jack.

"Jack. You, cloud and oliver need to find out everything you can about this Moff and our 'Employer'. I like to know who my mark is and who i'm working for!" Nic tured to address the group "Is this clear?"
04-22-2006, 11:36 AM
"Clear up until the words 'dress' and 'wife,'" Beryl said, her eyes beginning to narrow. "Because I know I didn't hear what I thought I heard."

Nic's expression didn't change.

"Oh, c'mon Nic! You can't be serious!" Beryl complained. She crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm not wearing that dress," she said reluctantly. "I look like a... well, you know what I look like in it." She shook her head. "Unh-unh. No way."

((OOC: Nic is going to have to put his foot down harder to get Beryl to do what he wants. ;) She'll give in eventually, but he has to be tougher with her. Perhaps a sparring match? Or...threaten to ground her from the Headhunter? ))
04-22-2006, 1:50 PM
"Okay but we may need to hack in the Moffs computer. I'm great at hacking, I've even made a cool little hacking program on this disk" He handed a UMD disk "Just put this thing into a computer consel at his estate or wherever you are, run the program and my computer should get all the data from that computer and others that are connected.
04-22-2006, 2:05 PM
"O.K Jack, get us in the air and let Ry dock." Nic turned back to Beryl. "You will where that dress and be wife or you'll find out why i get the hanger hands to clean out our plumbing system."
04-22-2006, 3:42 PM
"Right away ,Captain" He said and walked past Nick and wispered 'Threats like that aren't going to work'. He then walked too the poilts seat. "Personally captain but I alwase thought the Jedi was more your type" He shouted down there.

He made the ship liftoff from the grounds and hovered higher into the air, he then comm Ryshana "Allright jedi. I'm opening the doors, come on in."
04-22-2006, 4:05 PM
Ryshana quickly and expertly maneuvered the Headhunter into position underneath the Echo. As the doors opened to the cargo hold, Ryshana carefully boosted power to the repulserlifts and raised the Headhunter into the bay. Feeling around the outside of the Headhunter, Ryshana was very careful not to hit anything as she hovered inside of the bay.

As the bay doors closed beneath the Headhunter, Ryshana carefully made sure the repulserlifts didn't suddenly pick up the closing doors and push the Headhunter into the ceiling of the bay. Whenever the doors closed, Ryshana then carefully landed the Headhunter and activated the docking locks. Opening the hatch, Ryshana jumped out.

"Hey!! Aren't you forgetting something??" the Imperial Officer called out from his spot underneath the Headhunter. Looking over at the man, Ryshana knelt down next to him. "Hmm, nope. I don't think I'm forgetting anything. Those straps look like they'll hold you in nice in tight until we let you down," Ryshana replied with a bit of sarcasm.

As she turned and walked up the ramp towards the ladder, the officer kept yelling out after her. Ignoring him, Ryshana headed up the ladder to the common room. Catching sight of everybody in the common room, minus Jack, Ryshana knew that something had come up. "So, did I miss anything?"
04-22-2006, 4:12 PM
"Why is there an imperal officer in our Airlock?" Jack shouted out "And do we need him alive?"
04-22-2006, 4:28 PM
"Well, that depends. Do we need him?? I won't let you kill him, though. Remember that," Ryshana replied.
04-22-2006, 4:48 PM
"What if I drop him in the ocean?"He shouted back "Theres only a 25% chance he'll die..."
"or is 25% chance he'll live?" Jack asked himself.
04-22-2006, 5:37 PM
((OCC- Steven is Jack omnipresent or somthing as he seems to be everywhere and knows everything thats going on in the ship?))

"So, did I miss anything?"

"We have a job and me, you, Jana and Beryl are going undercover."

"What if I drop him in the ocean?"He shouted back "Theres only a 25% chance he'll die..."
"or is 25% chance he'll live?" Jack asked himself.

"If you drop him you'll be following him." Nic said to remind the old man who the ships captain was. He then turned back to Ryshana. "now why do we have an Imp on my ship."
04-22-2006, 5:59 PM
"You know captain,it's bad luck threatening the piolt. Esspically when he's old, doesn't give a dam about his own life and when he's piolt." Joked Jack. "Our imperal friends are hailing us. I suspect they'll want to talk with you captain."
04-22-2006, 6:05 PM
"Maybe Ryshana brought the Imp along for entertainment value," Beryl suggested to Nic, her arms still crossed tightly over her chest. "Maybe he could wear the dress and pretend to be your wife. 'Cause I'll be busy cleaning the plumbing systems."
04-22-2006, 6:21 PM
"O.K Beryl if you don't think you're up to it, I understand, You don't think you will be able to fool anyone. I've played pazzack with you i know you can't hide it when you think you're up on someone." Nic said in an attempt to Coax her into doing it.
04-22-2006, 6:40 PM
"What do you mean, 'I can't hide it when I'm up?'" Beryl said to Nic, frowning slightly. "I can. You know I can." She eyed him over, but his expression never wavered. Not even his telltale eyebrow twitch he usually did when he was bluffing. "What? You really don't think I could pull off your little scam?"

Nic shrugged with indifference.

"Fine. I'll show you!" Beryl said, standing abruptly and leaving the common room.

In a moment, she was back, wearing not only the short green dress and high heeled shoes and necklace, but a smart looking jacket, earrings and a bit of light makeup as well. "There," she said to Nic. "Satisfied? 'Wifey' enough for you?"
04-22-2006, 10:18 PM
"What?? You mean you're not up for me wiping out his memory and sticking him in some random prison complex somewhere?? Besides, he knows far too much for us to just let him go. If worse comes to worse, we could always use him as a bargaining chip," Ryshana replied.

As she watched the exchange between Nic and Beryl, Ryshana already knew what the outcome would be. Whenever Beryl returned in her outfit, Ryshana smiled. "You know, the 'wifey' thing to do now would be for Nic to take you into his arms and carry you over the threshold into his cozy little room. Now wouldn't that be just the right thing to do as the 'groom', eh Nic?" Ryshana stated sarcastically.
04-23-2006, 4:42 AM
Oliver still sits in the coomon room. He is in his own thoughts - and he didn't look like one, who actually listened to Nic. He just stares on the wall. All the morder attempt and the connection to the brothers is still hanging in his head.
04-23-2006, 8:41 AM
Beryl gave a sideways look at Ryshana, and then one at Nic. "If Nic trys something like that, I'm filing for divorce."

She sighed with resignation. "Let's just get this over with," she said to Nic. "Go and find out what that idiot Imp Captain wants and let's just get on with it."
04-23-2006, 12:47 PM
Nic did a lazy salute at Beryl "Yes Mam."

Nic then walked into the Bridge and pressed the Comm button. "What do you want Captain?"
04-23-2006, 3:20 PM
"A warning for the current Mrs. White from one who's played the part more times than she can count," Jana said to Beryl. "At some point during this little play, your 'husband' is going to do something that deserves a good solid punch. During the play, relax, let it pass. When it's all over, punch him. Hard."

She smiled slightly. "Got it? And don't worry about Nic getting mad at you. He's far too used to me doing that to him... you'll get an 'ouch' and a funny look. Nothing more."
04-23-2006, 3:58 PM
This time, Beryl gave Jana 'a deadpan look. "Oh. Great. Thanks for that, Jana. I feel so much more confident about doing this now."

She sighed and hung her head. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to regret this?" She looked up at Ryshana and Jana in turn. "You're going to have to help me with this," she said, suddenly feeling unsure about whether she could pull it off. "A lot."
04-23-2006, 7:18 PM
"Not a problem, although I don't think anybody has pointed out who I'm supposed to be posing as..."
04-23-2006, 7:27 PM
"We're slaves doubling as bodyguards," Jana told Ryshana. "You 'n me both."
04-23-2006, 7:27 PM
Beryl snorted. "Oh, I thought you and Ryshana were supposed to be servants. Or staff. Or some sort of employees of 'Mr. White.'" She paused. "Still, 'slave' sounds like a better deal than 'wife' though," she added, rolling her eyes. "Sure he'll fill us all in on the details when he gets back from chatting with our friendly neighbourhood Imperial Dreadnaught Captain."
04-23-2006, 7:32 PM
"Well I did say slaves," Jana answered. "But as neither Ryshana nor I look like a submissive slave, I suspect we'll go the bodyguard route."

With an impish grin, she went on, "Don't worry, Mrs. White," she teased. "I may let you take a blaster shot, but I've seen enough of those in my day to know how to treat them... crudely. It may get infected..."
04-23-2006, 7:47 PM
"Wait, wait, wait, wait.... Blaster shot?" Beryl stared at Jana for a moment. Beryl had never played a major role in one of Nic's scams, but she didn't feel that Jana was pulling her leg--well, not completely anyway. And now she was beginning to worry. "Is that something that happens often in Nic's scams? Getting shot?"
04-23-2006, 7:53 PM
Jana laughed. "Getting shot at almost always happens," she said. "Getting hit isn't quite so common... but you've got nothing to worry about. If it happens, that's what we've got a doctor for, right?"
04-23-2006, 8:06 PM
Beryl raised an eyebrow, and slowly turned her head towards Oliver, who seemed to just be staring blankly out into space, obviously deep in thought.

"Yeah. Right," Beryl said uncertainly.
04-23-2006, 9:50 PM
"Doctor?? No offense to Oliver, but who needs a doctor when you have the Force?? I do have a limited ability to heal others of whatever wounds they recieve. Its not perfect, but I wouldn't worry quite so much if you get shot at," Ryshana stated to Beryl.

Pausing for a second, Ryshana then turned to Jana. "You know, if we're supposed to be bodyguards, I'm going to need a weapon. I wouldn't mind using my lightsaber, but I don't think that will go over too well in a Moff's palace."
04-24-2006, 5:22 PM
Cloud snickered at the thought of Nic and Beryl being together. It really wouldn't fit. Cloud then thought about his friend Raiden again. "Why am I thinking about him now?" thought Cloud. "Maybe he has a job we could get later on." he continued to think.

(Hint hint: Reference to plot for my story.)
04-24-2006, 5:37 PM
"Mr and Mrs White, we have Mr. Butcher on the line. He wished to speak to your about you and your company, the one that deals in food transportation, the one called White Inderstrys, the same one you took over from your father after he was killed by smugglers. Are you ready for us to patch him through?"
04-24-2006, 5:47 PM
"We'll find something suitable for a bodyguard, Shana," Jana said, smiling. The smile faded slightly. "You don't mind being called Shana, do you? Just a little easier on the tongue, you know..."
04-24-2006, 11:07 PM
"Not a problem. It's a good thing I don't insist on my full twi'leki name with the correct pronunciation then," Ryshana replied with a smile.
04-25-2006, 7:28 AM
"As i'll ever be." Nic said into the com as he straitened up his hair so he would like more like a business men from the inner rim and less like a vagrant from the outter rim.
04-28-2006, 1:22 PM
"Greetings Mr. White. It's a pleasure to speak with you. Mr. Vockcell speaks highly of you and your company." Said a loud, erritating voice.
Jack mouthed to Nic "I bet your 100 credits he's as fat as a hutt!"
"Funny I've never heard of it. How long have you been in the bibusiness?"
04-28-2006, 4:41 PM
Nic was not the best at thinking on his feet usually but when he had a Con job he often changed and for some reason became quick. "We'll quite a while now but we've tended to deal with smaller companies." Nic replied. "I wish to thank you for your invite to your retreat."
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