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Avatars and signatures.

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07-16-2006, 12:55 AM
My new sig is the funniest thing I've read in a serious comic.
07-16-2006, 3:10 AM
It's ginormus Smon. DECREASE SIZE!!!

Also, My Hannibal Lector avi compliments me, because I am like Dr. Lector.
07-16-2006, 4:25 AM
VERY WELL! But that image Nutmeg had (has?) was even bigger! I'm decreasing as we speak!
07-16-2006, 1:08 PM
Well I'm guessing I just supposed to just waste away in the corner of everyone's conciousness now. And don't bother answering, because you would br doing so just to get me to shut up... {/Marvin}
 Mashi An'krekku
07-16-2006, 3:01 PM
My current avatar is of Elly from Bonus Stage. Episode 89: The FAT of the LAN.
"I'll use my super-powered hacker notebook to upload a virus into their mainframe. Should I use Reboot or Beast Wars?"
I was going to put it text, but MS paint makes it screwy. It was gonna say "1'm s0 1337!"

And in case you didn't realize already, my signature rotates! Between three images, I may add. And of course...your obligitory Sloganizer. About Lili.
07-16-2006, 3:18 PM
And in case you didn't realize already, my signature rotates! Between three images, I may add. And of course...your obligitory Sloganizer. About Lili.
...hey how did you make it cycle by the way? I want to do something similar with my sig...
07-16-2006, 3:25 PM
Mashi, your sig is sexxy. i like yours the best.
 Mashi An'krekku
07-16-2006, 3:30 PM
First you need a hosting service. Or some kinda website thingie that'll let you make directories. Name it "suchandsuch.png". Throw some images in there. Add the following code on an index file:


header("Content-Type: image/png");

$sigs = array();

$sigs[0] = "1.png";

$sigs[1] = "2.png";

$sigs[2] = "3.png";


$sig = $sigs[mt_rand(0, count($sigs)-1)];



You can add more "sig" lines, but both the things I used have three.
And lastly, between IMG tags, insert the URL of the directory. Some places won't allow you to put the slash at the end, so be sure not to put that in.
Of course, you're not stuck with .png. I think as long as they're the same file type, you're okay. Not sure how to do it for multiple file types.

And that's how you do it. Looked it up one day. :3

EDIT: Ave, you posted before I did. Hahaha.
Thank you!

EDIT 2: Smon, if you need a directory, I'll open one up for you.
07-16-2006, 3:32 PM
EDIT: Ave, you posted before I did. Hahaha.
Thank you!
no problem, although it doesn't have Jimi Hendrix of Jim Morrison, I had to get rid of Grace Slick, the IMG wasn't working.
07-17-2006, 8:18 AM
My current avatar is of Elly from Bonus Stage. Episode 89: The FAT of the LAN.
"I'll use my super-powered hacker notebook to upload a virus into their mainframe. Should I use Reboot or Beast Wars?"
I was going to put it text, but MS paint makes it screwy. It was gonna say "1'm s0 1337!"

Like this?
 Mashi An'krekku
07-17-2006, 1:59 PM
That works! *yoink*

EDIT: Too large. That's alright, I'm fine with this.
07-17-2006, 2:26 PM
That works! *yoink*

EDIT: Too large. That's alright, I'm fine with this.

 Mashi An'krekku
07-17-2006, 2:32 PM
ME: Oh no! It's the .jpg compressor! The good times are over!
???: Haha! I am here!
ME: OMG! It's Man of Popsicle!
MAN OF POPSICLE: Try using our new muffin-flavoured Bonus Stage pops to beat out the icky blurryness of .jpg-y-ness!
ME: Thanks, Man of Popsicle!
MAN OF POPSICLE: Don't thank me, it was you and muffin-flavoured Bonus Stage pops! IF IT'S POPSICLE, IT'S POSSIBLE!

Actually, I just wrote that out to entertain myself. I'm still fine with this.
And now I want a popsicle. *goes to to kitchen*
08-02-2006, 7:27 PM
Does anyone know if it's possible to resize the number of bytes in an animated avatar? There's the best Malan avatar ever, but it's way to large in byte size.

I wanna use it SO BAD!!1
08-02-2006, 7:29 PM
Lower quality frames
08-02-2006, 7:40 PM
#216 do you do that?
08-02-2006, 8:59 PM
Please do not use that avatar for the sake of my sanity.
08-02-2006, 9:06 PM
Take it apart frame by frame and lower the quality, then put it back into GIF.
08-02-2006, 10:14 PM
I wonder if anyone would know where my avatar is from.
08-02-2006, 10:18 PM
"The Great Dictator" starring Charlie Chaplin, circa 1940
08-02-2006, 10:29 PM
I truly love you.
 Mashi An'krekku
08-02-2006, 11:03 PM
My avatar is a cheesy recolour of a scene from Bonus Stage 88 where Brad talks about where else BS might've gone.
They could've lived in a volcano.
08-02-2006, 11:07 PM
Please do not use that avatar for the sake of my sanity.
Fine! I'll do it only for your sanity and the fact that I have no idea how to take it apart.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
08-03-2006, 12:06 AM
08-03-2006, 1:13 AM
Um... what?
 Mashi An'krekku
08-03-2006, 1:44 AM
08-04-2006, 1:28 PM
Three cheers for Sanity!
08-04-2006, 1:34 PM
My sig/avy set rules everything. It has Gomez Addams, Metroid, and Evil Dead. NOTHING COULD BE BETTER.
08-04-2006, 3:06 PM
It needs more cowbell Smon.
 zelda 41
08-04-2006, 4:48 PM
I want one new avatar of Kathy Griffin from the D-List.
 zelda 41
08-04-2006, 7:07 PM
Okay, I got a fairy avatar cause faries are awesome.
08-04-2006, 10:26 PM
I want to make a sig out of some fanart i drew, but I don't have photoshop and even if I didn't need that, I'm still retarted when it comes to stuff like that. As for my sig, I want to use a quote from A Summer of Psychics, but nothing is really sig worthy except for maybe:
Lili~ "Clem, Crystal, hurry up and get in the bus! Why are you even laughing like bad-evil man-d00derz anyway?"

The chapter with the quote aint up yet. Writers block.
08-04-2006, 11:29 PM
PRESENT YOUR FAN-ART. I shall use my mastery of flash and photoshop to make it into a presentable signature because I am bored!
08-04-2006, 11:44 PM
Go to Miss_Mayhem's fanart page, I want to use the Milka one. You are AWESOME to da Xtreme! Ya know? Obscure reference imbedded within.
08-04-2006, 11:58 PM
I want to make a sig out of some fanart i drew, but I don't have photoshop and even if I didn't need that, I'm still retarted when it comes to stuff like that. As for my sig, I want to use a quote from A Summer of Psychics, but nothing is really sig worthy except for maybe:
Lili~ "Clem, Crystal, hurry up and get in the bus! Why are you even laughing like bad-evil man-d00derz anyway?"

The chapter with the quote aint up yet. Writers block.

I'll try my hand at it...

I hope this is what you had meant...

Just tell me what you want there and I can change it.
08-05-2006, 12:40 AM
While I liked the fan-art, I felt it needed some color, so I traced it in flash, gave it an alpha drain and put it over a Psychoanuts screenshot, or put simply:
Whattya think?
08-05-2006, 1:14 AM
Wow. It only took you that long? I always envisioned avatar/sig creation to be a grueling process similiar to living in the San Fernando Valley with the daily temperature at 90 degrees fahrenheit (I know I spelled that wrong, I'm ready for my vocabupwning now). And no, you two did it fast. They are both real good, I am impressed. How will I choose? I won't. I'ma try to make it cycle between the two! You'll see the two pics being pimped out tomorrow.
08-05-2006, 10:18 PM
I started making avatars out of Psychonauts screenies and the like.


I have several of these sort of things, and I'm gonna make more.
08-06-2006, 1:20 AM
Smon. That's so hott.

I mean, it's Paris "That's hot" hot.
08-06-2006, 1:53 AM
Smon. That's so hott.

I mean, it's Paris "That's hot" hot.
Well tracing fan-art is a specialty of mine, the first one I've ever done being this.
Also my new avatar is another flash experiment. Whattyall think?
08-06-2006, 5:31 AM
It's shiny O_o
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