...is now available for download from my website.
Link (
Snippets from the readme:
PART I: Introduction (prt1)
I know I'm quite possibly the only one that feels this way, however I find the permanent application of the turbo cheat in 103PER (aka "the space walk") to be annoying. Yeah, who really wants to spend30 minutes walking, but still flying through zero gravity kills the whole roleplaying thing for me.
Version 1 of this mod was script based and only accounted for 103PER. Luckily, stoffe-mkb- was kind enough to chime in with an alternate (read: better) suggestion for how to accomplisht this. Considering the significance of her input, she should get all credit for this mod.
PART VIII: Special Thanks (prt8)
To stoffe-mkb- who did everything but release this mod herself and to ChAiNz.2da for his savegame modder resource which allowed me to quickly and easily test these changes.