Andrae' finally aggreed to the date. (
Post of dreams coming true, stories of Red Lobster, or two people finally coming together for a good plate of shrimp.
I found a massive 3825 x 2550 render of the character roster for Mortal Kombat Armageddon, bringing an end to my long suffering quest for better understanding of what the old character's costumes will look like. Hopefully it will hold me over until October.
I once caught a guy's fist in my teeth after he tried to punch me in the face and I wouldn't let go until he payed. That's how I got enough cash to buy psychonauts.
I got nominated once to front of 1,000 people...alone. It was a school thing. And now i'm populer. ^^
Hey, you know that pic of Andrae and Tim at Red Lobster. You think they went back to Parsons and did it?
That would be so hot.