This, as the start of the command line in the .BAT file, did not run (the server started then stopped immediately):
"C:\Game Program Files\SWBF2 server\BattlefrontII.exe" /win /norender .....
This, however, DOES run:
cd C:\Game Program Files\SWBF2 server\
BattlefrontII.exe /win /norender ........
No quote marks, and these are two separate lines: the first line sets the current directory to the server's, the second line starts the server with a command line.
I want to use a .BAT file so that all the starting reinforcement counts are stored; (1) I want to avoid typing new ones in every time I run the DSmanager, (2) changing the ticket counts in one session changes or removes those in another session.
Something to do with Windows XP I expect...
Have you tried black bag ops tools?
black bag ops tools
Thx; after downloading the server manager, I discovered there is already one present amongst the Lucasarts server software!
If you need help using it, there is a userguide.
Go to the Battlefront 2 section and it's listed in the Userguide section (PDF).
Is there any info on the command line for BattlefrontII.exe?
I use .BAT files for all my servers; the admin option I want most is the "boot on score lower than a minus value".
Is there any info on the command line for BattlefrontII.exe?
OK now, I have just found the forum at blackbagops (I previously got "page not found" error).