Hey all I have been playing Jedi Academy for some time and have JA+ installed in it. But everytime exit the game and enter again all my binds and the type/colour of my saber are all resetted, the only thing that stays is my name. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks...
Yes there is. You need to make a configuration file or .cfg. and save it.
1st you need to make all the binds & settings you want. when you are done with your binds & settings, think up of a name you would like for it. e.g Tom1.
then while in game, bring down the console & type write Tom1 or /write Tom1. you should see a message confirming your save by saying "writing Tom1.cfg".
Now anytime you start the game up and u /conn to a server, jus bring down the console and execute the saved .cfg by typing exec Tom1 or /exec Tom1. (please pay attention to the space between write & name and exec & name) You should now see a message confirming your execution, "execing Tom1.cfg".
once you write your config, i find it easier to put it in a file called autoexec.cfg
if you dont have it, make one, it will get executed everytime JA is run.
inside if of course, you would pu
exec tom1.cfg
as dtriniman said.