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Need SKM testers

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11-24-2000, 12:59 AM
Due to the unfortunate demise of my Real life, i dont ahve the time to do this.

From My 2 jobs... running a squad and sleep, i wish i had more free time to do it.. but no

What i need is a few brave souls to spend some time with XWA and run some Skirmishes.. observe, and record the results.

Each skirmish lasts 10 minutes, and need to be done 3 times for accuracy record the # of Deaths and kills, which craft and your done (once you send off the results.

This is for a Mixed Craft War i am doing over at I can put you in the credits,and maybe add somethign to the awards for a peronal thanks online

e-mail me @ if your interested
11-26-2000, 4:14 PM
anyone? Heck.. i might even pay good money (withen reason)
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