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How to get splitscreen to work?

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 Chris Y
02-15-2006, 8:23 AM
Hiya. I own the game and I really wanna play splitscreen with my friends but I cannot choose it from the menu for some reason... the text is grey and stuff...

I have a lot of profiles and 2 memory cards inserted. What am I supposed to do?
02-15-2006, 9:03 AM
Assuming you have it on the PS2, you don't need 2 memory cards just 2 profiles.
But the problem I had is that I had a black PS2 controller and then a grey PS1 controller, you need 2 PS2 controllers for it to work.
 Chris Y
02-15-2006, 10:01 AM
... Damn! :P

Yes.. I have 1 PS2 controller and one PS controller... Damnit. Oh well... have to buy a new controller anyways...

Thank you! :)
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