You can say what ur favourite game options r like if u like auto assign or player select or if u like friendly fire on or off or if u like loads of reinforcement counts etc.
I have 300% reienforcements,60 points to get a hero,friendly fire on,50 points for hunt,200 for assault,and elite AI :thmbup1:
I like heros off. Max reenforcements/CFT captures/points. Elite AI if any.
heroes off, 500% reinforcements, ff on, enemy markers on- no stealthing/sneaking gits anymore! mwahahahahaha!
My favorite game options are usually Hero = off, at least 10 other players (if online) Friendly Fire = on and the amount of bots and reinforcements depends on the map, usually around 10-15 and maxed out for the larger ones. AI on Elite, always.
I like loads of reinforcement counts and player select.