After leaving our friends Yadda and Lube behind we now move onto the rest of the cast of the Saga and their adventures. In Part 7 we arrive at the Cloud City Hamburger Joint. Here we meet an old friend, Lamo, of Ham and Pooeys who is running the joint. After hearing Leer get pissed off and wailing on some people a bit we come upon another mystery, Darth Vapour has a plan up his sleeve for the rebels. Time for theories!!! =) And of course what kind of episode would this be if we didn't have BLOOPERS! And of course do not forget to send your support to the Daleks who are stranded in the asteriod belt.
A blooper (
Another blooper (
Cool. Setting Lost Cause 2 up for a big finish... :)
Hope you don't mind, I fixed up the blooper links...
As for what Darth Vapour is planning, I have no idea... ;)
Lovely bloopers! Thanks davros and thanks 8 for fixing them up ;)