A. if I linked to the deviantART journal, it would get filtered.
B. if I posted this in the beginning of + oxytocin + thread, it wouldn't update properly with a bump and new title.
3. I didn't freaking think about it until JUST NOW and I suck.
D. All of the above.
Anyways, I've noticed some of you have been complaining about the banner on the site (, and although I vaguely mentioned it earlier, YOU (YES, YOU) CAN HELP FEED THE BANNER FOR JUST PENNIES A DAY! IN ITS QUEST TO BE PRETTY!
-All I'm asking for is something sketchy or outliney, nothing special.
-It can be digital or traditional.
-I made this colour code for you to use, so be sure to save it. The top two colours are the actual website colours, and should be drawn on black. If you prefer drawing on white, use the bottom two shades and when you're done, inverse it. Ta-daaaaa~! It magically becomes the one directly above it! O:
-If you fill in the outline, use a ligher shade (or darker on white)
-Draw BOTH Razputin and Lili. (Duhrrrr.)
-I'm trying to keep the site PG/PG-13-ish, so no smut.
-This is a blank banner. Use it to your advantage. (