I'm attempting to modify my appearance.2da to install Revan's Redemptions Robes.
I go to copy row 22
I then go to make a new row
I rename it 509 and got to insert the copied row
And I get this error message:
Can anyone help me out? This is a real pain in the ass.
After you copy row 22, try this..
Go to the very bottom of the .2da table, and click the empty white space next to the asterick (*)... "Row Label"
Type any number (doesn't matter cause it will get overwritten)...
Click on a different row so that you now have a new empty row at the bottom...
Now, right-click on your newly created row then choose the "paste" function...
Remember to re-name the row number to 509, then click on a different row so that the changes take affect...
Save out (after making the changes that the mod requires)..
Let us know if that works.. :)
No good. Seems like I'm gettin' the same thing.
Hmmm.. do you have .NET Frameworks 1.1 (
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=262D25E3-F589-4842-8157-034D1E7CF3A3&displaylang=en) installed?
Also, there is a Service Pack that may or may not be required (scroll towards the bottom of the page)...
That's a link to my appearance.2da. If anyone would be kind enough to modify it to run Revan's Redemption Robes it would be much appreciated.
(Getting Kotor Tool to work for me would be cool but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.)
I have the dot net service pack. I don't know about the service pack though. Where can I get it?
I have the dot net service pack. I don't know about the service pack though. Where can I get it?
Should be a link to it on the bottom of the page I linked in my post.. scroll down, or Click Here (
Here's the edited .2da you wanted for the Redemption Robes :)
Also, here's the link to the .NET Frameworks Service Pack 1:
It's also in my other post, but I'm not sure if you clicked it or not ;)