if anyone has this patch/addon/mod, mail it to me or post the instruction how to do it yourself here.
Thanks in advance !
Referring text on (
> Multi-Crew Patch
Murleen has found a way to add a multi-crew option to any multiplayer game with ships that have turrets! This 5KB file is well worth the download.
File: Multi-Crew Option (5kb) (
Author: Murleen | Description: All you have to do is copy the shiplist.txt from this zip to your XWA directory and boom there you have it. There will be 2 player slots, the blue one for the pilot and green one for the gunner. the YT-1300, YT-2000 and the Falcon will all have Gunner postions in multiplayer. HOWEVER ALL players must have the modified shiplist.txt for it to work, otherwise XWA tends to get evil.
[This message has been edited by Locutus (edited January 10, 2001).]