I once used a ship editor to change around the ships on X-Wing Aliance but I forgot what the site was.Does any one know where I can find it.This editor allowed you to change the speed, weapons, shields, Ect. But I lost the site.It was actualy really fun.I made the X-wing have shields stronger than the ssd and fire rockets instead of lasers.thanks
I think you are talking about MXvTED.
go here:
then click on the Corellian Engineering Corp. logo and you will find it at downloads.
"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."
No it was for X-Wing Alliance I don't own X-Wing vs Tie.Does it work for X-Wing Alliance.
Yes it does.
"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."