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Question About AlliED

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 Admiral Alistair
08-06-2000, 3:12 AM
I have just placed my order by mail for the full version of AlliED and can't wait to start using it. ABout how long will it take for me to get the codes and the web location of the full version?

OMEGA Ensign,Mission Designer
08-07-2000, 9:15 AM
Depends on how long it takes with the shipment. And maybe Troy is on a vecation too than can make it take longer.
You'll just have to wait.

/Zraii, allied user.

"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."
 Admiral Alistair
08-07-2000, 5:15 PM

OMEGA Ensign,Mission Designer
08-11-2000, 6:27 AM
i got my copy of allied about a month ago. i did the online pay thing with my master card. troy's page said it would take 24 hours, but after two days, i stil hadn't gotten it. i sent him an email and he replied within a day with the appropriate codes to get me rollin. if you did the check or money order thing, i don't know, but the credit card thing will get you going in 1 to 3 days.
08-11-2000, 9:38 PM
*grumbling throughout*

<small>Except for minors... *grumble, grumble*</small>

Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.
08-13-2000, 8:09 AM
my letter took 3 1/2 weeks to get from Germany to Australia...

Only 3 more weeks in the army...

Average reply time: 1 week

Bluecher -- The guy from Gunship!

BTW: Dyslexia For Cure Found
08-13-2000, 8:40 AM
I ordered ALLIED online via VISA and got the e-mail with everything in it in about 2 hurs time.
I think that is a new record.
08-13-2000, 6:31 PM
I got mine in less than half an hour
 Admiral Alistair
08-15-2000, 12:36 AM
well I DID get it now and am enjoying it MUCH

OMEGA Ensign,Mission Designer
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