i read it from
www.cheatplanet.com) (
i dont know it is work i will try!
gl cya.-.
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You don't need a patch to access all ships in skirmish mode you just go to your shiplist and edit. it go to your C: icon and double click the program files folder. there should a folder labeled lucasarts click that and go to XWA (Xwing alliance) there will be a note pad labeled "shiplist"click it and it will show a list of every ship what catagory (starship, Fighter etc). it will also show if it is flyable or not if it says "Nonflyable" erase it and put Flyable. Make sure the F is capitol or it wont work. you can also get new ships in skirmish mode like Deathstar II (which dosen't work,Emkay, and hte Booster pack. to get these they will say NOSkirmish or have a * infront of them and erase the * or if it has Noskirmish erase it and put Skirmish. Remember to put all capitals on all words or it wont work. This may seem long, i know but if you do it once youll catch on.if oyu have any trouble contact me.