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Need help Guys or Gals .........You know what I mean!

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06-23-2000, 8:00 AM
I have a Death star opt that i recently installed...Here's the problem. The opt is so big in the game that I can not start the skirmish out side of the death star! When i start Im flying around the core.Its pretty cool in ther but,...I'd like to fly around the out side of it. Any ideas would be helpfull.
Oh ya and YES, I finally got my Light Saber to work!!!

When last we met I was but the apprentice,.."Now I am the Disaster"

Click,Click,Click,......Damn Light Saber!.....AAAAAUUUUGGGHHH.........

[This message has been edited by Zedran (edited June 23, 2000).]
06-23-2000, 8:10 AM
One idea Zed would be to force the 'Skirmish 99km' glitch to occur. You know how to do this?

Of course then you'd have to fly the 80km to the Deathstar but you'd get there (takes about 20min in a X-Wing with all power to engines).
 Ms. Talon
06-23-2000, 9:00 AM
Find out from your shiplist which craft # the OPT is installed in, then use AlliED to position it and build a mission around it.

06-23-2000, 4:14 PM
Well I dont have allied yet so the 99 glitch sounds the best. How do i do that TK?
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