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[TSL] Count Dooku PC Head V2 - Released

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01-17-2006, 6:33 PM
Here it is, most credit goes to HapSlash for his excelent textures from Count Dooku model.

Dooku Head V2 Avaiable (
01-18-2006, 2:19 AM
I've been wondering if somebody woud make a Count Dooku PC, And it looks amazing!! :lightning

Thank you so much, The Real Kain & HapSlash!!! :thmbup1:

One thing does it also have a personal Robe or? something like he wears in Ep2 & Ep?

Keep up the good work!!!! :urpdude:
01-18-2006, 5:08 AM
no, i couldnt make the robe it would need modeling. And only persons who actually made body models here are AVol and svцsh.
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