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Basic Braining, a.k.a. "Introduce yourself!"

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 zelda 41
08-12-2006, 5:00 PM
My fav would have to be Angela.
08-14-2006, 3:36 PM
My fav would have to be Angela.
I could have figured that out considering the similarities. :xp:
08-15-2006, 12:30 AM
hey i'm halo92 i've played only a bit of pychonots(however u spell it) it was fun.
i'm a Republic Commando Fan and a Battlefront Fan and I LOVE Halo.
But nice to meet all of u i haven't met witch is amostly all of you.
08-15-2006, 3:23 PM
Hmm...due to dificulties (*ahem* completly forgetting both my username and password) I havn't been on this board for...uh...a while. But I am back and willing to stick around for a while. So while this isn't so much of an introduction as a retroduction, I'm glad to be saying "Hi ya'll!" or whatever else it is you crazy kids say today.
08-16-2006, 4:51 PM
I am new here! And now that the obvious is out of the way, here's some inf about me: I'm female. I'm a music, comic and game junkie. Mainly rock music, but I'm not against pop every now and then. (Mainly 80's pop, though.) If you can read the background of my sig, you'll see it is made up of lyrics from one of my 3 favorite bands. (The other 2 are Def Leppard and The Offspring, BTW.) First person to figure out the band gets a free cookie pie! Next topic on me: How I got into the game (a.k.a. Me = Stupid). Ever since I saw the first ad for the game, I thought it looked awesome, and vowed to buy a copy as soon as possible. But I could never get enough money together and somehow, when the ads stoped running, it got misfiled and put into a rather large and messy box in the back of my mind instead of the rather large and messy box in the front of my mind. Just two days ago, I was browsing the shelves of my local Blockbuster and saw the game. I somehow managed to delve up memories of the awesomeness of the ads, so I picked it up and rented it. I stayed up all that night playing it, and soon declared it the best game I ever played. [evil laughter] Blockbuster will never see the game again!! (of course, they're only asking for $0.00 additional to buy it, so there's really no problem with that.) Okay, so if anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I may not know the answer, but I'll make something up. ^.^
 Det. Bart Lasiter
08-16-2006, 6:09 PM
Welcome! Most of use here are very nice, but watch out for Darth_Ave. She's a bit unstable.
08-16-2006, 6:44 PM
Welcome! Most of use here are very nice, but watch out for Darth_Ave. She's a bit unstable.

I'm kidding. I'm a nice person. Although I question why everyone here except Klia and possible Smon is an anime fan.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
08-16-2006, 6:47 PM

I'm kidding. I'm a nice person. Although I question why everyone here except Klia and possible Smon is an anime fan.
Anime is in this season.
08-16-2006, 6:51 PM
You're mistaking Anime for Anexoria.
08-16-2006, 11:07 PM
Er,I think that about covers it,unless you want something even MORE formal.
08-16-2006, 11:19 PM

That's koo, welcome to the forums. Just remember...

Don't talk about fight club, no bad talking project runway or it's contestants, and respect the admins.
08-16-2006, 11:47 PM
*dosen't know what Project Runaway is,so expect no bad talk about THAT*
I need to go rent Psychonauts again.Never got around to buying it.
08-17-2006, 7:24 AM
I notice the constant references to Fight Club. I would comment but even if I were in such a group, the first rule would not to talk about it and the second rule would be to not talk about it.
08-23-2006, 4:29 PM
Although I question why everyone here except Klia and possible Smon is an anime fan.*Takes deep breath*
I don't like anime because its anime, which is dumb, and everyone knows that anime is dumb and that dumb is anime therfore they should have the same definition as each other therfore proving the fact that anime is dumb.

Simple enough
08-23-2006, 4:43 PM
Hello there, Hiratsu and Spookty! Welcome to the extremely random but totally awesome forums. Never speak ill of Project Runway As Darth has said, Bonus Stage, Tim Shafer and other stuff I can't remember or expect an Emo kid to be chucked at you! Other than that, it's cool. You must remember that Smon has that wicked cool Anti-Tim training (he is our local Vocabupwner, so use correct grammar!) and Milo who just happens to be unstable and has a habit of randomly biting people.
08-23-2006, 7:20 PM
*Takes deep breath*
I don't like anime because its anime, which is dumb, and everyone knows that anime is dumb and that dumb is anime therfore they should have the same definition as each other therfore proving the fact that anime is dumb.

Simple enough
Truly, a great argument.

I do like some anime, FLCL and Bobobo being prime examples.
08-23-2006, 7:36 PM
Truly, a great argument.

Yes I have a agumentative talent.
 zelda 41
08-23-2006, 9:28 PM
I liked Bobobo but it got way too confusing and random to follow
08-23-2006, 10:31 PM
I never liked Bobobo that much, too random for my tastes. But FLCL was pretty damn cool. If one really lookds though, there is bound to be at least 1 anime that one can like. I actually got my mom into anime.
08-24-2006, 5:43 PM
See,THAT is a FEAT.FLCL was good while I had a chance to watch it.Pretty weird though.
08-25-2006, 2:39 PM
Meh, my mom will only watch Ghost in the Shell and the occasional episode of Sammy Champ. If magic is involved in anyway, she's turned off. She only likes GitS because there is the possibility of the events happening, even if it's in the far future.
08-26-2006, 2:04 AM
I only like Full Metal Alchemist.
08-26-2006, 2:05 AM
I watched DBZ for about a year but then it turned Gay
08-26-2006, 2:31 AM
I only like Full Metal Alchemist.
I never woulda guessed.
09-21-2006, 3:12 PM
Hi everybody! It took me like forever to figure out where this thread was. But at least I'm here now.

Uhh... my name's Dylan... I guess you probably figured that out from my screen name. Psychonauts is the only game I've ever played because I'm totally technologically impaired. Seriously, my brother has to turn on the Xbox for me because I can't do it. It's sad.

I'm 18 and in college... yeah... I'm majoring in biology and am either gonna do something surgical or with forensics. Umm... I'm into medieval stuff and like animals (I have a bunch of cats, a bird, a squirrel, mice, rats, gerbils, fish, frogs, and lizards). I don't watch a lot of television, except when I'm trying to ignore my roommate or boyfriend. I have a pretty good sense of humor, I think; I do a lot of stand-up comedy and I'm a drummer in two different bands. Yeah, well, this is getting long... laters.
09-21-2006, 3:17 PM
Your a drummer? Sweet we need one.

Would you be interested in joing a silly funk band clled Avery and the Yodelers?
09-21-2006, 3:36 PM
I'll do it despite the fact I don't know how to play drums or guitar or anything for that matter.
09-21-2006, 3:41 PM
We have weird songs. Like 'My Hero would eat your face(A dedication to Hannibal)' and 'My very first suicide note'
09-21-2006, 3:45 PM
Thats awesome.

I have to admit the Band name kinda throws you off, I would've thought your songs were like yodeling for some reason.
09-21-2006, 8:00 PM
Two bands is enough, thanks! & wouldn't it be kinda hard to be a band over the web?
 St. Jimmy
09-21-2006, 8:59 PM
^Not at all. You can do anything over the web. For instance once, I knew this guy an....
09-23-2006, 12:11 PM
Hello there, Dylan, welcome to the forums! I see you like Fullmetal Alchemist, awesome sig.
09-23-2006, 5:14 PM
Lol, actually I got my little icon thingy from some guy off another forum. I don't watch television. Poor college student remember? I have to share a TV with 3 roommates and they never want to watch anything cept football. Blech.
09-23-2006, 5:20 PM
Get a job
09-23-2006, 5:22 PM
don't be mean to he noob Sam.

Sit transit Gloria. Glory fades, I'm Max Fischer!
09-23-2006, 6:31 PM
That avvy reminded me of the avatar this one guy had on, but the forums and the website have long since been...I dunno, gone. I cant find the site anymore, and pics that link to it are broken *shrugs*
09-23-2006, 6:37 PM
My avi defeates all. Because you can't beat Max Fischer in his russian hat.
 Das Mole
09-23-2006, 6:49 PM
introduce myself? why not. i am das.

i only use the harbor. for those of you less informed users, that would be the off-topic forum at the monkey island boards.

you may or may not ever see me again.

09-23-2006, 6:59 PM
Das! We pulled another one into the black hole that is Raz's Domain!! MWA-HA-HA!! avatar still wins though.
09-23-2006, 7:27 PM
No one can escape RD, the total randomness and leniancy of the boards sucks them in. Consider yourself one of US! Speaking of avatars, I made mine! That's a big feat to me, I changed the overall color to pink, saturated it, and used the red-eye reduction to make Ashley in grayscale.
09-23-2006, 9:52 PM
Your avatar is creepy. Here, use this!!! (

No wait, I intend on using this eventually. Gimme a minute to think.
 Das Mole
09-23-2006, 10:04 PM
i think my avatar's pretty sexy.
09-23-2006, 10:14 PM
09-24-2006, 8:10 AM
When did you go all emo on us, Mole? :(
 Das Mole
09-24-2006, 12:48 PM
when the sun set under the blood-red sky, and my clandestine lover told me her heart belonged to another man...

...'s wife.
09-24-2006, 1:08 PM
Wait, you're a guy?

I would never have guessed.
09-24-2006, 2:02 PM
when the sun set under the blood-red sky, and my clandestine lover told me her heart belonged to another man...

...'s wife....So you went out with a lesbian??

Wow, you must have worse gaydar than me.
09-24-2006, 2:52 PM
Suxalot fosho, but you still shouldn't have gone emo! Now nothing can make you happy, not even the stupid little things that brought you joy before, like taking a breathmint followed by a sip of OJ (the rush is amazing) or getting past a tough spot in a videogame (not stupid). Darth, get a Carebear, stat! We might still be able to save him . . .
09-24-2006, 3:06 PM
We need Alison!!

 Das Mole
09-24-2006, 3:33 PM
i love alison.

and i love lesbians.

does that mean?....*gasp*
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