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Ship from my campaign

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06-20-2000, 1:56 PM
HI, just thought I'd share this around. This is one of the new fighters in my Civil War campaign.

Mamba II Heavy Assault Starfighter

"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"
TK's OPT Factory (

[This message has been edited by TK421 (edited June 20, 2000).]
06-20-2000, 5:51 PM
Not bad !! Looks like the Phantom from WingCommander Armada !!!

"I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be....OHOHOH Doughnuts!!"

Steele Aerospace (
06-20-2000, 9:55 PM
Thanks Steele

I s'pose it has a little Phantom in it, I was going to try and build one earlier so I guess it was subconcious designing. The Mamba II is actually an upgraded version of one of my other ships, the Mamba Medium Starfighter, with a few design changes.

BTW, this is an untextured test model.

"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"
TK's OPT Factory (
06-21-2000, 2:27 AM
Looks cool, How much time do you have in it so far?

When last we met I was but the apprentice,.."Now I am the Disaster"

Click,Click,Click,......Damn Light Saber!.....AAAAAUUUUGGGHHH.........
06-21-2000, 5:48 AM
Tk421, this is a lousy attempt on making spacecrafts ! It looks ugly , untalended and clearly an uninspired design !.....

*Fondas tries hard to maintain a serious tone in his voice but he fails miserably, laughing out loud eventually* !!!

I bet you wouldn't expect such a reply !

Good Job TK (impressive firepower too ! )

The only place where success comes prior to work, is in a dictionary ! TZG+7

[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited June 21, 2000).]
06-21-2000, 10:41 AM
LOL You had me going there for a minute Fondas :P

I've only been working on this one on and off since I've been fairly busy lately, and most of my 'OPT Time' has been spent of the Faleen's Fist Skyhook, all up I finished the 3DS Model 3 weeks ago, I finally got into an acceptable testing OPT the a day or so ago.

Hey Zedran, you finally got that lightsabre working or has it been in your sig all along and I just wasnt paying attention

Thanks for the replies guys.

"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"
TK's OPT Factory (
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