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how can i play a mission i made?

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 Master of Puppets
06-20-2000, 6:30 PM
once i made it and it is all set up
where in XWA do i get to it?
do i have to have completed all the missions so i can see mine? if i havent is there a patch i can get that says i have?>
06-20-2000, 7:11 PM
Well you have to complete all the missions for that. But it depends on where you add the mission in the .lst file. I think it's best that you put the new mission last. But you can even place the mission first depending on whitch mission you are on.

 Master of Puppets
06-20-2000, 7:14 PM
So i have to pass the game before i can play my missions?
06-21-2000, 3:10 AM
Yes, or you could edit the ship list to have the mission be played where your at currently at in the game. Or you could download a pilot who is done with the missions already.
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