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Modding Max Dex

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01-16-2006, 12:24 PM
Hello all,
Great forums, good people, great modding tutorials and FAq's. One thing I was unable to find, however. Is it possible to change the MAX DEX Bonus for various armours? For example, if i wanted to create/modify a type 8 armour that has a MAX DEX bonus of 1, could I change that MAX bonus to, say, 4?

Thanks in advance

01-16-2006, 12:30 PM
Hello all,
Great forums, good people, great modding tutorials and FAq's. One thing I was unable to find, however. Is it possible to change the MAX DEX Bonus for various armours? For example, if i wanted to create/modify a type 8 armour that has a MAX DEX bonus of 1, could I change that MAX bonus to, say, 4?Yup. :D

Look in your baseitems.2da for the particular armor you want to adjust (or your custom armor line).. and there should be a column named "dexbonus". Change that value to whatever you wish the max dex bonus to be :)
01-16-2006, 12:43 PM
Holy crap that was fast! thanks a million chains. Found what you were talking about. Looks easy enough if I wanted to change all class 8 armour in the game. So thanks! However, if I wanted to just change it for my custom armour, i take it I would have to add another line in the baseitems.2da file and then include that with the armour in the override folder, correct? The only problem is, I'm not sure which fields to change and what to add in to said fields. I know I have to change the Icon field, and probably the default model field as well. Care to take a sec and walk me through it?

Really appreciate it

01-16-2006, 12:59 PM
However, if I wanted to just change it for my custom armour, i take it I would have to add another line in the baseitems.2da file and then include that with the armour in the override folder, correct? The only problem is, I'm not sure which fields to change and what to add in to said fields. I know I have to change the Icon field, and probably the default model field as well. Care to take a sec and walk me through it?
T7nowhere to the rescue! :lol:

That thread has pretty much everything you wanted and didn't want to know but T7 gave it to you anywayz :xp: hehehe...

However, If you still have questions about it, feel free to ask away :)
01-16-2006, 1:15 PM
Thanks again Chainz!
Yeah, i read that tutorial already before posting which was how I was able to create the armour in the first place, but it didn't have anything about modifying the MAX DEX like i wanted to. One beef, KOTOr tool won't allow me to copy and paste a whole line for editing in baseitems.2da! That sucks, I can add a new line but not paste an existing one onto it. I figure I have to do the same thing you would do if you were editing the appearance.2da. Create a new line, change the number, change the dexbonus column as well, and change..........something else to point the line to my new armour, but........rookie boy shows his stripes ;)

If this helps:


P.S> Your Juhanni Robes are simply amazing, nice job!

01-16-2006, 1:21 PM
One beef, KOTOr tool won't allow me to copy and paste a whole line for editing in baseitems.2da! That sucks, I can add a new line but not paste an existing one onto it. Do you have the latest version?

Mine allows me to copy a row, then "insert copied row". Check and make sure you have the latest version ;) Make sure you're right-clicking the blank "grey square" next to the actual .2da lines...

P.S> Your Juhanni Robes are simply amazing, nice job!Thanks! :D
01-16-2006, 1:36 PM
Yeah, i have the latest tool, it allowed me to copy and paste when i changed my appearance.2da file but it won't with baseitems.2da, get that "unhandled exception" error. No matter, it doesn't help if i can't figure out which lines to change anyway lol!

Hope you can help!

01-16-2006, 1:46 PM
Unless you're wanting your armor to have other exceptional properties (such as allowing Force Powers)... your new line would/should look exactly like the line you're wanting to copy (just make sure to change your DEX bonus slot)....

Once you have a custom line, you can open up your armor .uti file and change the "item type" to your custom line (will be the last entry)...

I'm at work so I have no visual references (so the steps above are very vague), but I'm almost positive there's another thread around here that lists the step-by-step instructions for .2da editing.

I'll look around and try to post them (unless others around here would like to jump in.. hehehe)..
01-16-2006, 2:26 PM
Ok, so here's the deal. Baseitems.2da appears to not allow you to add any more lines to the file. So copyinging and inserting lines does not seem to work. However, line 51 is an empty line which through much typing and much annoyance ;) I was able to alter and point my custom armour to so I was able to change the MAX DEX. Yay! If someone could figure out how to add to the baseitems.2da, this would be much easier, or maybe I'm just too thick right now to figure it out. Anyway, Chanz, thanks a lot! I appreciate the quick responses and the good advice!

01-17-2006, 4:27 AM
If I'm not wrong, you can add copy and paste another line at the bottom, but you need to make sure there is a line there in the first place, i.e. one of the fields is filled.

What I typically do if I want to add a line is to right-click and copy the original line, scroll all the way to the bottom, manually type a new number in the (Row Label) column, then right-click and "Insert copied row". Hope that works.

I use the latest KT, and edit KoTOR 1 files.
01-17-2006, 10:00 AM
Is this for KotOR or TSL?

For KotOR you'll need a new base item (as outlined above).
For TSL all you need to do is use the nifty max dex bonus property that OE wrote into the updated engine. (
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