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my saber not released yet due to need to remodel

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 kotor modder 10
01-15-2006, 1:22 PM
here is my offical lightsaber ( i modeled it werid and yes thats a in game shot.
01-15-2006, 1:28 PM
Moved to Holowan Laboratories.

TUCE is reserved for released mods ;)
01-15-2006, 2:25 PM
Excuse me? what do you mean you modeled it wrong. That is an official screenshot painted over, in ms paint or something.
 kotor modder 10
01-15-2006, 5:14 PM
actully i tried modeling a lightsaber and it became that just a flat messed up model i used to create by hacking ms paint to make my lightsaber like that
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