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Just an Idea

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06-07-2000, 5:13 PM
Do you guys think that when they programed XWA the programers used some really cool programs for missions and Ops and stuff? That would be cool if they released them

Just a thought.
06-08-2000, 4:56 AM
Yeah i think they have cool programs that they use to create missions for XWA. Some people, like Troy Dangerfield, have created some cool mission editors for all the X-Wing series (almost all anyway).

06-08-2000, 9:23 PM
Once at Datamaster's Website, some TG employees posted some messages, and it was revealed that their editors and design programs were buggier than a cockroach infested building.

So, no, it wouldn't be cool if they released them. There would be too many complaints about bugs.

Official Staff-Lacky at <A HREF=""") TARGET=_blank>
XWing: Legacy</A>

"Man who stands on toilet, is high on pot"
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