A .txi file is simply texture information for a skin so that the game will know what shaders and the like to use on the masked areas(Alpha channel) of your skin. the .txi file itself is simply a a text file. you can edit and create them with notepad. When you save the file either save it as myfile.txi or as a .txt and then rename it to .txi .
Ahh, that seems easy enough, thanks very much T7! You are another modder whose work fills my Override folder, and I am looking forward to your next weapon mod for K1!
Thanks for your suggestion as well, oldflash, although I'm not sure if I will get PS. I've been trying out GIMP and it's quite a nifty program. As practice, I've tried "blind" re-skinning of Malak, to make his armour look like Darth Vader's. I think the result isn't too bad, but other textures are going to require more work...
I'm attempting a mod that requires skins for N_DarthBand and PFBJ models, and I've got my work cut out for me. Does anyone have the skinmaps for those?