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Ithorian NPC tutorial

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01-11-2006, 9:34 PM
I want to spawn an Ithorian NPC just outside the Jedi Academy in Dantooine. I want him to stay there until the end of the game. And I simply want to be able to have a dialog with him, each time I talk to him, about a lightsaber. Problem is, I am total newbie to this kind of modding, and unfortunatelly, in the tutorials, I could not find something that can help me, with my kind of knowledge. Is it possible for anyone to help me with that by posting a very basic tutorial on how to do that?
 Det. Bart Lasiter
01-11-2006, 10:35 PM
RedHawke wrote a tutorial on that some time ago, you can find it at .
01-12-2006, 6:40 PM
I noticed that. That is what I had in mind, but call me stupid, I got somewhat lost... :(
What I do not understand is this: Supposedly I edit a Dantooine module, to make the ithorian spawn just when I enter the Enclave. Does he stay there for ever? Because that's what I want him to. I just want him to remain there, all the time, being able to have a conversation with you, anytime you want. I am sorry if I am a pain in the b... but if you, or anybody elso could be a little more analutical about this, I would be obliged. :)
01-12-2006, 7:15 PM
Yes, just use the second script in my post (link given by jmac) and you npc will spawn each time the module is loaded. If you don't wnat the npc to walk towards your pc and initiate convo, then just delete the corresponding lines.
01-12-2006, 9:02 PM
Ok, I hopefully understood that right. :) I shall try doing this within the weekend, and if I have any problems, I shall post again. Thanks :)
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