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A ship compilation I'm working on...

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05-21-2000, 6:37 PM
I've been working on a ship compilation with the name "New Forces" that adds the following high-quality OPT's:

- Drakken's Eclipse-I class Super Star Destroyer
- Drakken's Sovereign class Super Star Destroyer
- Drakken's TIE Scimitar
- Ace Antilles' TIE V-38 "Phantom"
- SWMA, Darksaber and Nob Akimoto's TH-96-B K-Wing Assault Bomber
- Saxman and Darksaber's FT-Type A E-Wing Fighter
- The A-9 Vigilance Interceptor
- The I-7 Howlrunner

No post without questions, so here they are:

1. Who created the A-9 and/or the I-7?
2. Every ship named above is in (using the latest version of all craft, including the revised Eclipse-I), but the Eclipse's stats isn't set. Suggestions?

I've realized that I'm at least allowed to use the E-W and K-W as long as I credit (of course!) the authors and use their proper stats. However, I've yet to e-mail Drakken (anyone got his address?), Ace Antilles (or his?) and possibly the I-7 and A-9 author(s).

Any comments about this patch is welcome!

"Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice. - Yoda"
Jugalator, (

[This message has been edited by Jugalator (edited May 21, 2000).]
05-21-2000, 7:55 PM
You can find the A-9 on JMґs page :

Steele Aerospace ( - I have a good feeling about this page ;)
05-21-2000, 8:12 PM
Thanks! The I-7 was there too.
I tried the search feature on this site, but found out that Drakken's e-mail address was invalid. If he or anyone who knows it, please reply.

[This message has been edited by Jugalator (edited May 21, 2000).]
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