Title: Helena - Bastila's Mother Changes
Author: Shem
Date Released: 1/10/06
Updated Link
Description: Okay, this always annoyed me. Bastila's mother, Helena is wearing a Jedi Council robe when you met her in the cantina on Tattooine. What I did is change the the Jedi Council robe to common clothing. This is a change I made for my personal use a long time ago because it annoyed me so much. I have now decided to share this with you. It's a minor thing to most people, but I figured if there are others out there who pay attention to details and were annoyed by it, and don't have any knowledge of modding, or never felt like doing it yourself, this is for you. I also changed the Female Twi'lek messenger, Malare, who informs Bastila about her mother's condition. What I did is change her from the female dancer model twi'lek, to a female twi'lek with common clothing. I did that for two reasons. The first is that she didn't seem like a dancer type, but a friend of Bastila's family. The second reason is the biggest reason. KOTOR also used that exact same model for Lena (who is a dancer), Griff's former girlfriend you meet for Mission's backstory and thought they should look different.