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Waht is a NCA patch??

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05-12-2000, 7:06 PM
What is a NCA patch??

Sorry I seem to be talkative, it's just I've been looking for something like this for a year now, and I've finally found it. I also apologise on the double posting of a former question.
05-12-2000, 8:05 PM
The NCA patch is an add-on that gives the player about a dozen new craft to play with/against. Things like the E-Wing, the Tie Phantom, etc... Lots of good stuff. I highly reccommend it. You can download it here:

BTW, this patch *adds* craft to your game. It does not replace existing craft.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day... Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
 Ms. Talon
05-13-2000, 8:58 AM
Go to our homepage for lots of screenshots from our NCA patch battles (link below).

05-16-2000, 2:49 PM
Thanks a lot.... Exuse my spelling
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