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how easy make a good reskin for my own armor

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01-09-2006, 12:36 PM
hello ,

I am now working on my own custom armor and i wanna ask what i should use.
i am now using a version of paint shop pro but i wanna now what i better can use

01-09-2006, 1:15 PM
Well, if you don't want to spend money I HIGHLY reccomend GIMP ( which is sort of similar to photoshop in power and abilities but the controls a bit more complex but its better than going and paying 700 or 800 dollars for Photoshop 7.
01-09-2006, 1:18 PM
Personally, I think Paint Shop Pro is perfecting fine for skinning. That is what I use almost exclusively (whether my work suffers for it I will leave others to decide :) ). I have never felt limites by it. But ultimately, use what you are comfortable with.
01-09-2006, 2:35 PM
Personally, I think Paint Shop Pro is perfecting fine for skinning. That is what I use almost exclusively (whether my work suffers for it I will leave others to decide :) ). I have never felt limites by it. But ultimately, use what you are comfortable with.
I think Prime is right on the money...

Paint Shop Pro, is by far, the most equivalent program out there to Photoshop. Both have their strong points and weak points and their functions are nearly identical... however since you already have PSP.. I wouldn't try to "fix" what isn't broken ;)

Your wallet will thank you .. hehehe..

whether my work suffers for it I will leave others to decide I don't think you have anything to worry about man.. my override folder seems to be quite well pleased with your work, very pleased indeed ;)
 Kristy Kistic
01-10-2006, 1:33 AM
Its good to know I'm not completely by myself. I use Paint Shop Pro, too. And I thought I was the only one. :)
01-10-2006, 3:22 PM
I don't think you have anything to worry about man.. my override folder seems to be quite well pleased with your work, very pleased indeed ;)Thanks man, I appreciate that. :)

Its good to know I'm not completely by myself. I use Paint Shop Pro, too. And I thought I was the only one. Not at all. :)
 Darth InSidious
01-10-2006, 5:32 PM
The GIMP is good, 'tho I'll admit I've not done much with it 'cept copy, paste and recolour...
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