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User defined events

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01-08-2006, 4:32 PM
I'm doing something wrong, events won't fire, please help! :firehead
for every user defined event I put the default script in the creature template so that k_ai_master is executed and the event is fired - should be - then i defined my event handlers and put the script in the template, did I miss something?

#include "k_inc_generic"
#include "k_inc_debug"
#include "k_inc_utility"

void main(){
int nUser = GetUserDefinedEventNumber();

if(nUser == 1001) //HEARTBEAT
bla bla bla…
}else if(nUser == 1006) // DAMAGED
bla bla bla…
}else if(nUser == 1007) // DEATH
bla bla bla…
}else if(nUser == 1011) //DIALOGUE END
bla bla bla…
}else if(nUser == HOSTILE_RETREAT)
01-08-2006, 4:40 PM
What did you used as the OnSpawn scipt? You have to set the proper flags in the OnSpawn script.

Check k_def_spawn01.nss and uncomment the flags you need then save under a custon name (edit your .utc file accordingly) as explained in this tutorial: (it's for nwn but it's valid for Kotor)
01-08-2006, 5:01 PM
Yep I forgot to turn on the flags -_-
:) thanks!
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