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ChAiNz Bastila's Revelation Robes usable by PC?

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01-07-2006, 11:50 PM
I am trying to find the instructions for how to wear the robe here: on my female PC character. I went away for a bit and when I came back I lost a thread that explained how to do this. My apologies for the repost, but I searched for an hour and could not find the darn thing :lol:

I remember something about needing to change the appearance.2da file in the PC slot so the skin parts would be see through (or something along those lines). Could anyone direct me towards this post, or alternately post directions on what I need to change so it will look right on my character?

Thanks very much :)

(Just to edit, this was not my own post and I did not reply to it, so I couldn't find it by searching my own past posts :))
01-08-2006, 12:13 AM
you know, you can search your previous posts when you "lose a thread": ;)
01-08-2006, 12:58 AM
Oops I'm sorry Darth333, I didn't mean to imply it was a previous post of mine. It was actually a post I read asking how to wear this robe on your PC character (I did not reply to it). I have reformatted since then and my bookmarks got lost in the process, so I was not able to find it that way hehe.

I very much appreciate the help pointing me to my old posts though :)
01-08-2006, 2:17 AM
Did another 30 minutes of searching and finally realized one of the posts I was looking for (An explanation by Redhawke) was the 36th post on ChAiNz official post about the Revelation Robe :lol: Well at least I found that one :) Here's the link in case anyone else is trying to find it in a future search:

So I tried it out and got it to work. Very easy to follow directions :)
01-08-2006, 2:20 AM
Very easy to follow directions :)
Why, thank you! :D
01-08-2006, 2:24 AM
Ahh hello Redhawke! Thank YOU very much (I was just posting a thank you to you on that other thread :lol: )
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