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Completely confused with script compiling.

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 Vox Kalam
01-07-2006, 2:16 PM
I don't understand how to do it. I read the tutorial here, and the readme for nwnnsscomp, and I'm lost.

I'm trying to compile several scripts for KOTOR I, and I have both games installed. What do I do? HELP!
01-07-2006, 7:47 PM
I recommend using Kotor Tool. Kotor Tool Text editor has a built in compiler just do script select Kotor 1 then script compile.
 Vox Kalam
01-07-2006, 8:49 PM
Okay, how do I turn the .nss into a .ncs?
01-07-2006, 9:44 PM
by compiling (I thought this was mentioned in the tutorial)...

Anyways, with Kotor Tool, go to the tools menu, select the text editor. Then in the text editor window, go to the script menu, select your game (kotor 1 or kotor 2), make your script and then either go to the script menu and select compile or press F5
 Vox Kalam
01-08-2006, 10:48 AM
And you save it somewhere? I tried that, I tried to save it as "HK1" on my desktop, and got:

"Lookup path root set to C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\
Error:Unable to open input file "C:\Documents and Settings\(my name)\Desktop\HK1"
 Vox Kalam
01-08-2006, 11:17 AM
Maybe I didn't type the script right? I madde a custom item that I want to be given in the script. Is this righ?

object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "g_i_drdcomspk004", GetFirstPC());
01-08-2006, 12:45 PM
If you were to have:

void main()
object oItem=CreateItemOnObject( "g_i_drdcomspk004", GetFirstPC());

That would work. Do you have that? If you do, yes it should work. What you want to do to correct your issue in KotOR Tool is save your script. Go to where it is saved and rename it so it has .nss, as KT seems to skip the extension off, (Is it only me that KotOR Tool does this to?) at the end and then go and compile it. It should compile properly.
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